~°^••Who Thinks About You At 3am And What Do They Think About? ••^°~

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⚠!!!- Slight NSFW for some characters

Itachi Uchiha
What he thinks about- Itachi Is taking a early morning walk. He sees a flower and it reminds him of you. He wonders how much you have grown since the last time he was in the Leaf Village. You must have become stronger and probably are a great Ninja he remembers how you would talk to him for hours about how you wanted to be a shinobi just like him.

Neji Hyuga
What he thinks about- he finds his mind wandering one night while he is on patrol. He thinks about a few days ago when he walked in on you changing. He immediately snaps out of it but he is very obviously blushing.

Naruto Uzumaki
What he thinks about-  Naruto is feeling a bit lonely all alone in his apartment and even worse he couldn't fall asleep! He finds himself wondering if it was too early in the morning to go visit you. You always make the time you spend together special and manage to cheer him up when he's feeling low.


Rock Lee
What he thinks about- Whilst Lee is doing his morning 1,000 sit ups he thinks about you and wonders if you would like to join him. Why not go ask you himself? Lee finds this a great idea and decides to go over to your house while doing a hand stand to challenge you to a sit up challenge.

Sakura Haruno
What she thinks about- Sakura is laying in bed when she begins to think about you, she honestly wouldn't mind being you. You were so perfect, you were pretty, strong and smart! You were definitely someone Sakura looks up to and aspires to be.

Hinata Hyuga
What is she thinking about- Hinata is on a mission with her team when her thoughts wonder to you. She remembers how good you are at medical Jutsu and makes a note to ask you to train her sometime plus she gets to spend time with someone as cool as you!

Shikamaru Nara
What his he thinking about- Shikamaru was  annoyed at how he woke up this early he usually slept through the night and even worse he couldn't even fall back asleep! What a drag. He is trying to fall back asleep when he remembers when he was on a mission with you and you both got into a battle. You were in the defense while Shikamaru awaited an opening to use his shadow possession jutsu. That was when the opponent used an attack that sliced up your shirt and Shikamaru had seen your bare chest, though he didn't think much about it when it happened he now felt differently, and now he had a boner. What. A. Drag
Kiba Inuzuka
What is he thinking about- Kiba is on a mission and his team stops at a restaurant. The restaurant is serving your favorite food, Kiba almost buys it for you until he remembers you're not there with him. He'll just have to take you out to get some when he gets back to Konoha.

What is she thinking about?- Tenten had been weapons training one early morning , when she thought of you, she remembers how you once beat her at a weapon battle. Thinking about this makes her want to train harder. She'll definitely ask for a rematch soon!

Kakashi Hatake
What is he thinking about- Kakashi is on an mission with his team and he's fighting a real challenging foe who had attempted to ambush them while they were sleeping. He can't help but wonder what you would do in the situation. While thinking about this he almost gets hit in the head with a kunai. Oops...

Choji Akamichi
What is he thinking about?- Choji is taking a stroll through the village when he see's a person that looks just like you but their hair is a different color, this gets him thinking about you. He hasn't seen you in a while. He wonders if you're in the village maybe he could treat you to barbecue and you both could catch up.

Tsunade is having a long day being Hokage and all, her mind wonders to you as she is reading through some village complaints she can't help but to wonder what you were doing at the time, you are always great company and she wouldn't mind you visiting for a bit.

Oh my wow, I finally finished it! Sorry that this chapter took like three months to make, I'm going though a very stressful moving situation and I couldn't find any time to get this finished. Sorry if some of these are long!

Question for this chapter. Who is your favorite Naruto character? Mine are Neji and Sai😊

-SweetPotato signing out

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