Chapter1: It All Started in First Grade...

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It was an untypical Saturday night in the sense that I wasn't home watching a movie; I actually went out partying, a rare occurrence for me. Not that I wasn't invited to a lot, I just plain, flat out, refused to go. I had a bad memory from a party and I had no intention of reliving it. But lately, I was feeling down so my friends, namely Kevin and Jared, somehow convinced me it was exactly the pick-me-up I needed.

“It'll be great,” I mocked, mimicking Kevin. “You'll have a blast,” I said, this time imitating Jared. I sighed and said in my normal voice, “Why did I come here again?.”

“Hey, “ Kyle said, making a face. “The party's not that bad.”

Kyle was the one who threw it, in celebration of World Chocolate Day. Plus, school started on Tuesday and he couldn't resist throwing one of the last parties of the summer.

“It's not that,” I assured him. “It's just that when I agreed to come, they promised to not ditch me but as soon as we arrived, everyone just deserted me. Like, what the hell?”

“Feeling expressive today, aren't we?”

“Very,” I grumbled.

“Well hey, since you're already here, you might as well have fun. Or is that not in your dictionary anymore?

“It was last year. Now, starting junior year, not so much.”

“School hasn't started yet. Relax. Live a little. Then, on the 8th, you can freak out as much as you want about collage and your future or whatever. Or, if you want, you can help me be the host,” he suggested.

“Help you be the host?” I said suspiciously. “I don't know.”

“Yeah. You know, make sure anyone weak with their liquor knows where the bathroom is. Catch anyone hooking up in the bedrooms upstairs and yell at them to go to some hotel. Make sure the beverages are cool. Try to make sure no one breaks anything and if they do, blackmail them into paying for it. Take embarrassing pictures of people, preferably when throwing up. That's how I get the blackmail, you know. Things like that.”

“Wow, I never knew throwing a party was that hard.”

He grimaced. “It gets worse. When the morning comes, you'd be horrified at what a mess there is.”

“And yet,” I commented, “You do it every week.”

“Hey, I’m just celebrating holidays. It's just a coincidence that they all fall on weekends. By the way, Happy World Chocolate Day!”

“So I heard,” I said dryly. “Sometimes, I wonder if you're making these stuff up.”

“The internet is a wonderful thing,” he responded. I laughed at after a moment, he started too. “Do you wanna know what tomorrow is?”

“Sure. Enlighten me.”

“It's Cheese Pizza Day,” he said, grinning.

“Well at leave I don't have to do the dishes tomorrow,” I said.

“Well, well, well. If it isn't Claire,” a girl with a a high-pitched voice said behind me. I didn't bother turning around, I knew who it was.

“What do you want Cecilia?” I asked, annoyed.

“What?” she said innocently. “I haven't seen you in forever and that's the first thing you say to me? I'm hurt.”

“What are you doing here?” Kyle asked. He didn't have anything personal against her the way I did but he probably picked up my on emotions. “I didn't invite you here.”

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2011 ⏰

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