Chapter 4- Rules

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The next morning, I had a terrible headache and I knew why. The shock of losing Liam in less than 20 minutes had made me weak . My family didn’t sooth the pain, My father went around trying to tell me how to act when the people from the capitol came. Mary and Katie were running around picking up dresses for me to wear and gossiping about the other girls and my chances of winning. Everyone seemed more excited about this than I was. What’s worse, I hated attention, I hated how because of this, I was now the center of everyone’s world. It made me feel very conceited and I wish it would stop. Time flew by and suddenly it was 4 o’clock and the representative was here. His name was Mr. Smith an all too common name I thought and there was something that made me feel uncomfortable. Maybe it was his glasses or just his expression but I did not trust him from the minute he walked in.

“ Hello.” he said shaking my father’s hand and nodding at me

“ Hello, nice to meet you.” my father replied

“ May Sage and I have some privacy, the information I have is, confidential.” he said addressing my father and sisters who had entered the room.

“ Of course!” my father said rushing the twins out of the room

He then turned to me and gestured for me to sit down, I as instructed

“ Lets get down to business you seem smart enough to know how this is going to work.” he began

“ Okay” I replied not knowing what else to say

“ Tomorrow I will take you to the capitol by car . You town mayor has made a going away celebration for you so we will attend that and then leave. Once we arrive you will enter the castle and shown your room. You will then have your maids get you ready and then you will head down to the dining room where all 25 of you will eat dinner with the king and his family- including Niall. After this Niall and Mrs. Drake are in charge of your activities in the castle. Niall can invite you for one on one meetings or group activities. If another girl receives an invitation you are not allowed to sabotage the meeting in any way you will be asked to leave immediately. Niall is allowed to dismiss you at any time along with the king and queen. Do you understand?”

“ Yes!” I replied

“ Another thing” he began “ If you’re requested by Niall and things get...heated, you are to give him what he desires.”

I sat there dumbfounded, I was expecting the first part of the lecture but not this, it was illegal in the county to do that sorta thing before you were married. However Niall was the prince so I assume the rules don’t apply to him if HE got  a girl pregnant. This information made me resent the whole competition even more, but I nodded and Mr. Smith clapped his hands saying

“ Good, I will see you in the morning!”

He then got up and walked right out the door as if he had not just told me the most inappropriate thing in the world. I then went upstairs and prepared myself for the next couple of weeks.

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