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[Death Star II]

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[Death Star II]

Amara walked quickly through the space station attempting to leave. As she was walking, she continued to ignore the many helmets that looked her way as each step she took was filled with anger.

Some troopers would stop and stare, their hands raised up to greet her in a way of respecting her. Others simply seemed to work harder on their tasks in attempts to impress her.

Amara soon made her way to a hallway looking down through her helmet to see the black shiny floors.

She could see her reflection in the ground as her boots continued to made loud thumps as she tried to leave the station.

Eventually the hallways she was walking through, ended up as a dead end. It was a balcony that troopers could look over when patrolling.

Amara made her way over to the edge, looking out to see that the docking bay was all the way at the bottom of where she way. She noticed troopers surrounded the ship as the waited for her to return.

She knew she didn't want to take a detour of this place suddenly climbing over the balcony before she jumped down.

Holding her hands out on the sides of her, she felt herself slowly go down as the force helped slow her jump.

The troopers could hear something behind them as they turned around to see her coming towards the ground gently.

Her boots touched the ground, and her head cocking to the side afterwards as she looked at the troopers that stood before her. Her helmet stayed on her face as she looked at her troopers only seeing red.

Sighing out she then began to walk towards her ship. The troopers stayed motionless until she was a few feet away from her ship. Alcaeus hasn't came out nor has Eimear which she found to be strange.

She tried to enter the ship but suddenly troopers had blocked her from entering.

"Move trooper." Amara commanded yet he didn't move an inch.

Amara sighed out looking around to see that the other men that had greeted her when she first got here were now standing before her, blocking her.

Her anger had peaked.

Ripping out her lightsaber, she could hear the weapon being ignited. Spinning the weapon behind her she she then struck the troopers blaster watching the pieces falling to the ground.

The trooper backed up in fear.

"Get in my way again, and I will kill you." Amara looked down to see the weapon that was sizzling on the floor.

"Anyone else?" She wondered noticing that the troopers began to back up slightly.

"Milady...you have been denied permission to leave." One said to Amara gaining enough strength to do so.

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