The Wedding (1)

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The past few days have been the most stressful and exciting of my life. Not only am I marrying the love of my life, Price Maxon Schreave, but my best friend, Aspen Leger, is walking me down the isle. I am so thankful that he finally got over the fact that I was so so deeply in love with Maxon, that I did not have eyes for anyone else, and they did not have eyes for anyone but me. Although our friendship after the announcement of the engagement had been false, I could not finally see he was happy for me.

"Hello America, the dress is finally perfect." It was my mother. She had been off with the maids for what felt like forever finishing the final touches on my dress. I absolutely, undoudbly loved it. As she pulled up the zipper, and I looked at myself in the mirror, I truly felt like a princess. The bodice of the dress was strapless, and a perfect fit. It was covered in beads that looked as if they were falling down the dress, onto the neatly sewed ruffled skirt. My maids then scurried in, looking even more excited than May, if that was humanly possible. And of coarse, May was following at their footsteps. They added the final touches, then I changed back into my jeans and sweatshirt, so we could go pick out shoes and jewels.

I miss him lying next to me. The wedding is tomorrow, and as Illea tradition states, the groom cannot see the bride before she enters the doors to walk down the isle.

I feel the sun on my face, and my maids trying to pull me out of bed. The wedding! I (slowly) drag myself into the bath, with my maids help. They wash my hair, face, body, and helped me dry off. They did my hair in the most beautiful braided bun that I had ever seen, and it even looked like a flower. As they were doing the hair they ran over all the plans for the wedding, and I have o say, it looked absolutely magnificent. Everything looked so perfect. Next they did my makeup, just how it was on my first day here, the most natural look possible. Next they put on my dress, and jewels. Then Marlee came in. She looked stunning. I chose these beautiful light coral colored bridesmaids dresses, that complemented her so nicely. And the simple diamond heart necklace around her neck is perfect. She looks perfect.

Now the nerves are starting to get to me. I can see the big wooden doors that in minutes I will be walking through. My mom is next to me walking me step by step of what's going to happen, for the 50th time may I add. I wish the whole world would just stop. I could have a second to breathe. And in that moment all of my worries would fly far far away. I take a deep breathe. Then Maxon comes up to me and says, "America, I've been looking everywhere for you. There has been a slight problem. We have received a threat of rebel attacks, and we need to alert the castle guests and staff, so everyone can evacuate to the bunkers." I knew something would go wrong. I feel a small tear fall onto my arm. Then more. All of a sudden the alarm is going off and Max is pulling me into the closest tunnel. Of all things that could have happened this is the worst. I can't have a guest harmed, or even scared. We will have to postpone the wedding and after all that everyone has done it feels so awful to make them do it all over again. Maxon secures the bunker door and comes over to sit next to me. We are the only ones in this bunker, and it's just as well because it is one of the smaller ones. It's about a 10 by 10 square with a sink, some washcloths, a bench, and a few cans of food for emergency. It reminds me of the bunker I discovered Maxon's scars in. He says to me, "I'm so sorry. This was our special day and now it's ruined. I knew I should have had extra security on guard." For the first time since the selection started I see a small tear trickle down his cheek. "No. It's not your fault. I'm just happy to be hear with you." I say. "It's just not fair to you. You have gone through so much with the emotional roller later that is the selection, and now finally you are getting to live a normal life, and on the first day of that life something bad happens." Max is so selfless. "I can tell you one thing. This life is going to be far from normal," He laughs a little. " and I will never mind being stored away in a bunker for any amount of time, as long as you are with me." There's a moment of silence, and then Macon says, "Did I ever tell you about my first rebel attack? Or at least the first one I can remember clearly?" I shake my head. "It was about 8 at night, and we were finishing up dessert. My dad was telling us about how the next day he would be leaving to go to a foreign country to do some trade with another king. King Noah Hollister. His country was small but full of mines. They had all sorts of treasures like gold, platinum, diamond, emerald, and rubies. All of a sudden the alarms started to go off, and we rushed into the closest safe room. I remember my dad carrying me in, and once we were inside handing me to my mother, as he locked the door. In that safe room it was only us, 2 maids, and a chef. I had no clue what was going on and all I could do was cry into my mothers arms. I remover feeling protected by her. She helped the fear disappear. I don't want you to be scared. I want to help your fear disappear, America." In that moment he looked so sad and passionate at the same time. "Wow." Was all I could manage to say. We waited in silence for about an hour, and then I slowly fell asleep into his arms.

I awoke with him lightly shaking me. He tells me, "It's been about 5 hours and no sign of getting out." I could tell he was worried. Usually rebel attacks only lasted about 3-5 hours, but it looks like this one was serious. Then we heard a noise. First it sounded like footsteps, then a knock, then a bang. The rebels had found our safe room! This was bad. Maxon whispers into my ear, "Stay calm, and don't make any noise. If they think nobody is in here they will leave. It is very unusual for them to find the safe rooms, so this must have been an inside job. Stay calm, I'm here, and I promise I will protect you." It all made sense now. There has been a new guard hired a few months ago, yet he seemed to blend in very well. He was from the south, and seemed to be very interested in dates, like the date of our wedding, the date that the guests would arrive, and was always asking where the safe rooms were. We had told him this information, of coarse assuming he wanted to be prepared to welcome the wedding guests, and know the safe rooms to keep everyone safe. Aspen had warned me he was a little suspicious and to watch him ,but I never batted an eyelid. It simply proves to never trust only the outer layer of the cake. It was a mistake that had been made, but now we must protect ourselves. We kept very quiet, and after about 10 minutes the banging stopped. I started to cry once again. This day could not get any worse.

A few hours later a guard came to tell us the attack was over. It was the longest attack in Ilea history. The attack had lasted 7 hours and 52 minutes. We walked into the ceremony room, and I broke out in tears. Everything was destroyed. The chairs, tables, and center pieces smashed and , flower petals everywhere. "It will be alright." Maxon assured me. "We can buy new flowers, and tables, and chairs, and we can still have your fairy tale wedding. I promise that I will make it happen. " "No." I say. " I don't want to wait any longer. I have a plan."

Maxon followed me into the garden, where we had asked all the staff members to set up the isle, with rows of chairs on either sides, and put the cake on a garden table. Some maids and May picked bouquets of flowers from the garden, and we set up the recreation room, used for the selection girls, as a room where guests could freshen up. It was approaching 6 when we started the ceremony, and it was magical. As I walked down the isle I could feel the wind in my face, blowing my hair and veil behind me. I felt as if I was walking on air. When I reached the alter I looked over my shoulder to see my mother smiling so bright she could light up a room. I could feel my excitement and nervousness starting to calm down. I looked into Maxon's eyes, and they looked at me so sincerely. Then the officiant started the ceremony. After his blessings of the marriage he said, "Maxon Schreave do you take America Singer to be your lawfully wedded wife?" "I do." replied Maxon. "America Singer do you take Maxon Schreave to be your lawfully wedded husband?" "I do." I replied undoubtfully. We exchanged rings, then he said my favorite line of all weddings, "Now you may kiss the bride." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2015 ⏰

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