A mother's curse...

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Light after Dark

She was birthed into arms of love,

This princess, bearing the true potential of a queen.

Then her kingdom fell, the arms that held her fell,

Forced to take the throne as Queen with no particular direction.

Betrayed by her own kind,

Men adored her, used her, left her in a dark wilderness

How pain seeped through her very core,

She in turn adored, betrayed and used them.

As the darkest days dawned a person, no, fainted glow stick,

Tossed into her path showed her merely twelve hours of her journey.

Then it too died and darkness greater than the wilderness engulfed her heart,

Feeding on her weakness...until...

A new light came,

And this time... it stayed. He stayed. 

What if I die today? Who'd remember me ten years down the line? Who would love me then as much as my seven year old does npw?

Light after DarkWhere stories live. Discover now