Chapter 1- The Mystery Man.....

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Heyy guys!

So I thought to give you guys a small present. I was gonna upload the first chap on new year's eve but I thought why not now???

The chapter may seem short, but I promise to make the other chapters a bit long.

So before you:

Chapter 1- The Mystery Man....



This is the allotment mail from AIMUN.

Country assigned: Australia

Committee allotted: UNHRC.

We hope that you make the payment latest by this week.


IT team, AIMUN."

Oh, thank Lord! For the first time in this paradise, Uh-huh, hell, finally my allotment mail for MUN arrived on time. Usually, it takes a hell of a lot of time.

Ah! Maggi at 2 AM feels like something else! I gulped a sip of coffee while researching the allotted topic. After finishing the Maggi and my dearest caffeine intake, I walked to the kitchen taking small baby steps to prevent anyone from waking up and yell at me for being awake and eating Maggi at this hour. When I returned to my room, I saw some messages from Maria which she had sent 2 hours ago. I then video called her to tell her about the allotment mail.

Maria has been my closest friend since class 6th when I'd moved to Delhi. By now, we almost know each other 95 %. Time seriously flies. I didn't even realize that we are in 11th now. 1 more year, and we are off to our ways. 

The sweet flow of memories was then interrupted by a furious roar from the bitch...........

"U idiot! Don't you know that during this time the population of India sleeps? Dude, it's 2:00 AM! You are lucky the phone was with me, otherwise, our mothers would together lash us. I mean, what the heck are you even doing at this hour?"

"Maria I do agree that the normal population of India does.........."

"Oh yeah, I forgot that you are abnormal! My apologies. But make it quick. It better be important."

" Huh, By not normal what I meant was that dude I am a nyctophile!!!!!! I'm in love with nights, the allure of darkness, the shimmering stars upon this darkness, the sound of silence and....................."

"Would you STFU! Stop beating around the Bush! My mum would take me to this Yoga session in the morning when the sun would cast the rosy hue upon the sky, the birds would start twittering their lovely songs, so yeah come straight to your damn point 'cause I've to get up at 5 AM."

" I just received...... the........allotment mail....... for AIMUN!!!!!!!!!!!"

"What the heck! you called me this time to tell me about some stupid MUN allotment mail???"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2022 ⏰

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