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As humans, we are taught to understand that we will grow. Taught to understand that we will develop and transform. But maybe we've been taught about growth far too much. So much, in fact, that we've subconsciously adopted an ideology of denial in ourselves. Denial that has been misleading the masses for generations before and beyond.

You're getting lied to. Everyday. When you pretend you're okay. Because when you pretend you're okay, you are exercising the fixated stereotype that is plaguing this generation. And maybe it's because you've been optimistic, correct? Maybe hoping to distract yourself and last a bit longer.

For some of you, you try to overcome the pain, using success and change in your life. You will create a whole revolution in order to manifest a celebrated simulation of intuitive, even spiritual intervention.

Victory becomes the art of forgery, utilized to cope with the very trail that it took to find victory. And because of it,  you have not found wholeness.

So you sit and you ask yourself "where is it? Where is my wholeness? Where do I go to retain such a thing?" And I must tell you this right here and right now.

There is no answer to this question. But, in knowing this, you've found your answer. So listen to me closely from this point on, as if your future depends on it.

You have been hurt. A traumatic event in your life took something away from you. I don't know who you are, reading this. We don't know each other. But I know this. You've been robbed. Someone took away a part of you and it has compromised the life you have lived. You stopped being whole when it happened to you. You stopped being the person you were. You were no longer a full version of yourself, only a remnant.

This is okay. Thks is to be acknowledged. You are no longer whole. And there is something missing in your life. You want to find it so that you no longer have to be a remnant of yourself. But you won't find what was taken away. Nor will you replace it with something of equal value. But as I stand before you, I want you to understand that though you are not whole, you can be complete.

To be complete is to not require any additional substances in your life. To be complete is to find that nothing more is needed for what you have. So, you have to be complete. And in order to be complete, there is one tool you must attain within yourself.

This is the one tool that will change everything. This tool will not make you whole. This tool will make you complete. This tool is called acceptance.

You got hurt. You were traumatized. Someone took something away from you and left you lost. Someone jeopardized you and has confused you. Someone perhaps broke you. You're a remnant. But instead of trying to fix yourself to be a whole again, you must accept that you are a remnant. Validate yourself as a Remnant. It is okay. You are going to be okay. I promise.

You must feel complete in your form, even not being whole. You must be yourself for who you are today. Please know it's okay to have your scars, have your burns, rounds and bruises. If they don't heal, if they remain, do not chase them away. But instead, accept and respect that you are a Remnant.

Because if there is a promised land in the afterlife, I want you to understand something before we go there. Tears are not of the devil. You can cry in heaven. Because it's okay to know you're not okay. I'd you're not okay today, tell yourself that you accept it. Accept yourself and tell yourself "I may not be whole today, but I am complete." And let it be. This is the beginning of a new way for a new era. Hope you join me in this new movement.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2020 ⏰

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