It all started with a Bathroom Kiss...

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Sugawara walked into the bathroom after his volleyball match. He didn't get to out on the court much this game, the only reason he got to go out is because Kageyama wasn't playing his best and needed a break. Sugawara was just happy he got to go out and play. After all it is his last year playing volleyball for Karasuno. After exiting the bathroom stall Sugawara saw Oikawa standing in front of the mirror fixing his hair. Sugawara had never met Oikawa personally, but by sitting on the bench and spectating him he seemed like the best setter ever. Sugawara  saw why he won the best setter award in his 3 year in middle school. Sugawara walked up next to Oikawa to wash his hands.

"I saw you play today." Oikawa said out of no where. Sugawara was caught off guard, from what he heard from his team Oikawa was some rude ignorant person. "Yeah, I was only out there for a bit though." Sugawara said shaking his hands off getting some of the water on the floor. "I bet if they put you out there longer you could improve." "You have potential." Oikawa said still fixing his hair. Sugawara blushed. "Yeah I guess but Kageyama is so much better than me, I don't think I can compete with that." Sugawara said looking back at himself in the mirror. "You can only try." Oikawa said taking a step back and looking at Sugawara. "You're right." Said Sugawara. Sugawara tried walking away but slipped on the water he shooked on the ground .

Sugawara fell on top of Oikawa making them both fall on the floor. Sugawara fell on top of Oikawa lips. It took them a minute to realize what happened and once they found out they both quickly stood up. "I'm sorry!" They both said at the same time. "Noo, This is all my fault! I tripped on the water and I fell on top on you. Why are you apologizing. i should be apologizing not you. Sugawara continued to babble on until Oikawa stopped him. "Has anyone told you that you talk too much?" Oikawa said shaking off his hands. "I'm sorry!" Sugawara said blushing. Before Oikawa could say anything Kageyama came into the bathroom. "Daichi said to "come on, we're leaving." Kageyama said glaring at Oikawa. Sugawara knew Oikawa and Kageyama had history and never liked each other much. "Yes, okay" Sugawara said walking slowly so he didnt slip again. Sugawara looked a Oikawa and Waved "Bye!" Sugawara said with a big smile. Oikawa waved back. "Bye."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2020 ⏰

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