Day #4: WattpadDisney || How Shall I Play With Your Life Today?

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Given Prompt: Twisted Halloween

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Given Prompt: Twisted Halloween


"Oh, Cinderella!"

Ah, the wicked stepmother is calling Cinderella again. Poor thing. Today is the ball and her fluttering pink skirt will be torn apart into shreds so very soon.

But, you see, it intrigues me – if not for her stepmother and stepsisters, what would Cinderella be?

Truly, Human nature fascinates me. The same soul in different environments acted in such variation, as if it was never the same soul to begin with.


Now they've torn her clothes, her jealous stepsisters. Anytime now, it'd be my turn to shine out of nowhere, help the girl, and place a protection spell on her glass slippers that Cinderella would 'accidently' leave behind.

"Oh, no..." Cinderella sobs. "What will I do now?"

I took a deep breath.

What shall I change today?

Not helping her would result in her being continually tortured and a sad ending. Taking her back to the past would result in her converting into the villainess and a dark ending. Sending her to kill the Prince as the price of my favor, or vice versa, would result in the Romeo-Juliet ending.

Besides, I've gotten bored of those endings.

Not protecting the glass slipper – ending one. Changing the love interest – ending two. Fulfilling a favor for the Prince, and then asking him to murder the girl as payment – ending three.

And becoming her stepmother and changing everything was too cliché, I live in the present!

So, today, I'd like to present a new idea...

"Oh, dearie," I exclaim. "How pathetic you look right now! Ah, this old Fairy Godmother of yours feels so hurt."

"Fairy... Godmother?" she asks innocently.

"Yes! I watch over you, Cinderella. Say, would you like to go to your parents?"


"They're people who love you," I say, sadly. "They wish to see you... but seems like you want to go to the Ball instead."

Cinderella, a girl of infinite kindness, looks down upon the rags of clothes she had on. She cannot enter the Ball in this state. Rather, seeing her parents seems like a better idea, after being slaved endlessly by her stepfamily.

"I want to see Father and Mother," she decides.

"As you wish, my dear!"

My magic can last no longer than the clock strikes midnight, so I can't permanently send her back in time or to the realm of Death to her parents, but...

For the time being... I shall take your place, Cinderella.

It's high time you pay me back for all the magic I've spent on you. I deserve my own happy ending.

I shall investigate the matter of the slippers not fitting Cinderella tomorrow, when the Prince looks for me. Oh, but she wouldn't know him. How interesting.

I wonder... Which ending it will be this time?


Total word count: 461 words

This was a very random idea that popped in due to the question: Why should I only consider changing the villainous and heroic character (eg. Ariel/Ursula)?

And hence, I changed our Fairy Godmother!

It was fun to write this prompt! I had unconsciously written in Present Tense (best suited for this because I didn't want to increase word count by adding the word 'had'), so I had to do a proper review before posting... but... having Fairy Godmother take Cinderella's position was never my idea.

I'm a Pantser (a writer who has no outline), and somehow, my brain decided we had had enough of bad Cinderellas, Sinderellas and everything. So, I kept the original Cinderella as is.

And this is how it ended up!

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