The meetup

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Jk: Hello!
Jk: Are you there? Hello?
You: Hi! Sorry. Maybe NORMAL people actually are asleep at this time-
Jk: I'm just bored and NORMAL
You: Sure,sure whatever you say, but what did you want? I have a big test tomorrow that will be 65% of our grade for this semester. So, can you hurry?
Jk: Ok,ok allI wanted to ask you is if you wanted to meet up soon?
You: Sure!
Jk: Wait- Seriously!?
You: Yeah, seriously!
Jk:  when?
You: Uhhhhh...where do you live?
Jk:Busan, South Korea, you?
You: Wait seriously i do to so on the bridge in the town square at 6pm this weekend?
Jk: Sure, sounds good Sunday or Saturday
You: Saturday duh see you there!
Jk:ok bye!
2 days later
Jk:so im really exited to meet you
Jk:anyway i'll see you later
4 hours later (in person)
Jk mind:i wonder where she is
You:*pulls up car near the bridge*
Jk:*happily talks*hello
They talked for about 20 mins before deciding that they were going to go eat in you're car
At the restaurant
You:well what do you want to eat
Jk:uhh can i have a hot dog with ketchup and dr.pepper
Jk:so what are you ordering
You:a burger and fries and a coke
You:*orders food*
Waiter:is that all
You:looks at jk
Jk:*nods head*
You *tells cashier* yes
Waiter:ok 34.28
Jk:so how has you day been?
You:oh i have been great you
Jk:same i got into my dream collage
You:good for you!
Jk:thank you.
*food comes*
You:well that was quick
Waiter:thank you
You:*pays for food and leaves a 5 dollar tip*
Waiter:*leaves again*
After they eat
Jk:well it was nice meeting you
You:same i thought it was really fun
Both:*leave and go home*
2 hours later
Jk:it was amazing meeting you today
You:thanks it was great meeting you to
Jk:think about it i we met by me getting the wrong number and look how close we are now
You:yeah that's really funny and weird and cool all at the same time
You:well the food was great
Jk:yeah it was i really liked it
You:well i need to go pack
Jk:for what
You:i told you
Jk:know you didn't
You:that's what i forgot
Jk:well why are you packing
You:twomarrow is my sisters birthday party and I promised her that i would come
You:yeah when i came to this school i moved out of my house my sister said she missed me so i said that i would be a her party and when i showed her the drawing she tried to draw it and sent it to me
Jk:oh thats how you got the drawing
You:yeah anyways i need to get ready

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2020 ⏰

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