Eve Everlasting Begins

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My name is Eve, and this is my latest diary entries. I have taken these to try and warn those of you...the danger of this world.

January 1, 2008

Today it has been raining off and on, although, I do not mind. It allowed me to be able to stay home from school. I was able to not have to go through the pain of every day life. Mandy caused me to spill my lunch all over the place yesterday, but, you already knew that.
Is it strange to feel like someone is watching you? Lately, I have had this feeling...That something is watching me. Its all night and day. I may be wrong, might just be stress.
Not much to be said for today. Goodnight.

January 2, 2008

That feeling stayed with me today. It scares me a bit. I have been so nervous.
Today Mandy and her posse stole my clothing after gym. They never got returned so I had to sit in the showers for an hour until a teacher came in. They brought me clothes from the school office. It contained of this bright pink skirt and white blouse. I had to wear that all day. But then I found my items in the back of the school trash. Lovely.
My mum and dad have been arguing a lot lately. It happens when I am supposed to be asleep. They start yelling at each other about bills, about life and else. I think they might get a divorce.
Anyway, that is pretty much it for tonight. Goodnight.

January 3, 2008

I am seriously freaking out. Today I was walking to school and all throughout school and back home, I have been getting the feeling of being watched. When I got home today, there was writings in my journal, they said, "Do not go to sleep. You will not wake up." Is someone trying to kill me?
When I showed it to my mum, she said I probably wrote that in my sleep. I am going insane! I can hear my parents fighting now. I wish they would just get along.
Goodnight, wish me luck.

January 4, 2008 (Updated)

I woke up to silence this morning, other than the sound of tapping on my window. I sat up in my bed and it stopped. I looked around and sighed. It was so silent, to silent. I walked out my room only to find my mum, dead. She was... cut open. There was a permanent smile on her face. I backed up and felt something behind me, and in me. I looked down to see a kitchen knife coming from my belly. I fell to the floor and felt liquid, smelled like bleach. I then felt this heat. I was losing consciousness from blood loss.

January 8, 2008

I screamed waking up and looked around the white and blue room. I was in the hospital. A man ran in and held me down as a woman put something inside my IV.

January 19, 2008

I woke up one more time. I looked around, a nurse was tending to my bandages. My skin was light and my hair had turned from blonde to black. I sighed and started to sob. When the nurse left, I had that feeling again. Like I was being watched. I looked around the room and saw a pale woman, she wore a mast and a dress. She looked a lot like me, just a bit darker and she wore something different.
I stared at her, did she do this to me? She walked up and set her hand on my face. She did not speak or say a single word. But she set a black and white box in my lap.
I decided to not open it just yet. When I looked up from the box, she was gone. I asked the nurse about visitors, she said I had none.

January 21, 2008

I was let out of the hospital today. On the way to my aunt's home, I looked at the box. It was a delicately decorated box with ribbons, jewels, and lace. I decided to open the box. There was a note, a dress, and a mask. I opened the letter. It read:
"I understand what you must be going through. I have gone through the same. Jeff killed my family as well as yours. He also killed my soul, and yours as well. If you wish to help me kill Jeff, put on this mask and dress. Your dress should be a red and white lace dress with red boots. It is meant to symbolizes your innocence being dirtied by the crimson blood of Jeff. The mask is white with black lace around the eyes and red around the lips. Meet me wherever. I will follow."
This scared me. So I decided to not involve my other family with my problems. So I got out of the car and changed into my new uniform. I walked out of the building and to the woods, where I met her. Jane Everlasting. My new sister and partner.


Do not go to sleep. You will never wake up. ~

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