Lavender Garden 🌸

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(Listen to the music at the top)

It was raining at Seoul. Yuto was really tired from working a new song. He was laying on his bed scrolling to his Instagram .
Suddenly Yuto got a a massage from Wooseok.

Wooseok : Hey, Yuto...  Can we meet at the Lavender Cafe?

Yuto : Yeah sure!

Wooseok : Great! My treat! See you there!

Yuto was very happy because he had a crush on Wooseok for a long time. He change his clothes to a white hoodie, a pair of jeans and a black cap. He was really excited to see Wooseok.

He walked to the cafe and see Him . He walk to the table and sit in front of him .

Wooseok : Hey Yuto! How was your sleep last night?

Yuto : It was really...  Ok...

Wooseok : Hahaha!  You're really cute! 

Yuto : S-Shut up!

Wooseok : Hahaha!

POV Yuto :
"HOLY MOTHER OF SEOUL AND TOKYO! HE DID NOT JUST SAY THAT! Calm the heck out of you   Yuto! You're in front of  'Your' Crush! "

Author P. O. V

Yuto can't help him self and blush. Wooseok act like he didn't notice it. Suddenly Wooseok called the waiter for a drink. The waiter came to they're table.

Waiter : what can i help you sir?

Wooseok : Can i get a lavender tea, make it two  please?

Waiter : Ok, you sir?

Yuto : Ah! Can i get a Lavender cake, please?

Waiter: Ok!  We'll came with your order later!

The waiter wink Wooseok and Wooseok wink at her back. But Yuto didn't notice it. He was to busy with the view from the window. Wooseok look at him and said :

Wooseok : it's a beautiful view is it?

Yuto : Yeah...

Yuto look at him with his beautiful eyes. Wooseok started to blush and turned his head to the window again. Suddenly they're food came.

Wooseok : oh thank you!

Waiter : No problem!

The waiter walks away from the table smiling.Woosoek smiled at her back. Yuto notice his  smile. He felt something kind of.

10 minutes later... 🌙

Wooseok : Hey...  Yuto...  Can i ask you a favor?

Yuto : Yes, anything!

Wooseok : follow me...

Wooseok sofly hold Yuto's arm.
Dragging him into the Lavender garden.

Wooseok : Close your eyes...

Yuto : Uh...  Ok...

Wooseok keep dragging him to the garden. Until he said...

Wooseok : Ok you can open theme now!

Yuto slowly open his eyes... 
And see a bench in the middle of the garden.

Yuto : W-Woosoek

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Yuto : W-Woosoek...

Wooseok : Come! Sit with me...

Wooseok sits on the bench patting  biside him. Yuto sits beside him and said...

Yuto : Wooseok... Why do you drag me here?

Wooseok : To ask you something...

Yuto : Ask me what?

Yuto look at him with a sweetest smile. Wooseok began to ask...

Wooseok : Hey Yuto...  Xan you be the light of my life?

Yuto shoock his head and started to blush really hard.

Yuto: I- Its Ok... If you... Say that full of your trust... So...

Wooseok : what?  What is it?

Yuto: its a yes!

Wooseok look at him happily and hug him.

Wooseok : You made the right choice!

Yuto : Of course i do!

They came home happily. And Wooseok thank to the waiter.


Hello my Ixora ! So... About the music up there...  Just give you some relaxation while reading this... So... Thank me later.
And yes i included my fav flower and my fav food so...
Don't be mad! See you!
                             - Lavender💜🌸

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