A Boy in a Iceberg pt 1

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In the water:

Sonic, Katara, and Sokka were on a wooden boat as Sokka was catching fish

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Sonic, Katara, and Sokka were on a wooden boat as Sokka was catching fish.
Sonic: (Man, I hate water... Oh yeah, you might be asking, how did I get here? Well...?)

Sonic falls from the sky from a portal as he lands on the snow.
Two people notices a blue creature on the snow.
Katara: What was that?
Katara runs to the blue creature.
Sokka: Hey, wait!
Katara and Sokka sees a blue creature stuck in the snow.
Sokka: Okay, what is that?
Katara: Don't know, but it looks like a animal.
Sokka pokes the blue creature on its head as he starts to move.
Sokka: Whoa!
Sonic gets his head off the snow as he sees two people in front of him.
Sonic: Huh? Who are you?
Sokka: What the?! That thing just talked!
Katara: What are you?
Sonic: Me? I'm a hedgehog.
Katara: A hedgehog?
Sonic: Yep. Name's Sonic, Sonic the Hedgehog. You two are?
Katara: I'm Katara, and this is Sokka.
Sokka: What exactly are you doing here?
Sonic: I don't know. I just fell from a portal.
Katara: A portal?
Sonic: Yep. I'm not from this world.
Sokka: What?!
Katara: So you were transported here from a portal and you're from a different world?
Sonic: Yep.
Sokka: Can I just say something quick? Why are you naked?!
Sonic: I'm a hedgehog.
Sokka: But people here will be embarrassed!
Sonic: Really? Nobody hasn't said anything about it.
Katara: I'll give you some cloths, okay?
Sonic: No, you don't need to. I can have my own.
Sonic snaps his fingers as his outfit appears.
Sonic wears it as the two were surprised.
Katara: Whoa...
Sokka: Okay, I'm gonna say this right now. That was epic!
Sonic: Hehe. You guys think I can stay somewhere?
Katara: Yes there's somewhere you can stay. Come with us.
Sonic: Thanks.
Sokka: What? We don't even know you.
Sonic: You will once you get along with me better. Anyway, what happened here? It looks like there's stuff that have been destroyed.
Katara: Well, you see...

Few hours later:
Sonic has met the other people from the camp and Katara talked to Sonic about what happened and bending.
Katara: There has been a war going on for the past 100 years.
Sonic: 100 years?
Katara: Yeah. Back then, all four nations lived together in harmony. Water, earth, fire, and air. But, everything changed when the fire nation attacked.
Sonic: The fire nation attack?
Katara: The Fire nation has supposedly killed all the airbenders. There were the ones who started this war. Because of that, our mother died.
Sonic: Oh...
The fire nation has killed benders for the past 100 years, and I'm the only waterbender here.
Sonic: The only waterbender?
Katara: Yeah, but I'm certain that an Avatar will come and save the world.
Sonic: I see...
Katara: Also, there's an unique thing we use that is called bending.
Sonic: Bending?
Katara: Yes. By using your hands and feet, each nation has their own elements and can use it.
Sonic: Whoa, that's cool.
Sonic's stomach grumbles.
Sonic: Man, I'm hungry...
Katara: Oh, here.
Katara gives Sonic some bread.
Sonic: Thanks, Katara.
Sonic eats the bread.
Sokka: So, what exactly can you do?
Sonic: I'm the fastest thing alive.
Sokka: The fastest what?
Sonic zooms behind Sokka.
Sokka: Whoa! How did you-
Sonic: Told ya.
Katara: That's amazing.
Sonic: Hehe.
Sokka: (Oh great...) Katara, let's go catch some fish. We're gonna need some food.
Sokka leaves.
Katara: Okay. Wanna come along?
Sonic: Umm.. I don't know...
Katara: Is something wrong?
Sonic: The thing is, I can't swim.
Katara: You can't swim? It's fine. You'll be in a boat, so you'll be fine.
Sonic: Thanks.

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