-Chapter 2-

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Wilbur explained what he did to the others. He didn't believe Tommy was okay and refused to leave him alone in the house for 2 months. Tommy tried to argue but Wilbur would shut him down immediately.

"So, do you understand what I'm saying to you Tommy? I've already contacted your father and he gave me the all clear to come and stick with you for the 2 months, but I didn't tell him anything happened to you.

Tommy grunts "You shouldn't have done that, Wilbur. I've told you I'm fine. And YES. I get what you're saying." he speak with an unhappy tone. Tommy's not impressed. He's treating me as if I'm a child. Tommy thinks Then a chill runs down my spine as he remember what Tubbo said,

"Be there in 15 minutes, Tommy."

That was 10 minutes ago - give or take.

Shit shit shit-

"Look Wil I gotta go, if Tubbo's on his way I gotta make sure I'm there to greet him and prove I'm fine." Tommy speak, noting my obvious tell of lying he curses himself silently but force a laugh.

(A/N: His tell is voice cracking)

Wil is uncertain, and doesn't want to leave Tommy without someone at least listening.

"Tommy are you sure it left the house?" Wilbur speaks, uncertain

"Yes I'm sure, now I really have to go and get ready. Cya Wil." Tommy ends the conversation and fumbles with his keys for a bit, before eventually finding the disconnect key and pressing it successfully.

"Damnit Tubbo why did you have to live so close..." Tommy speaks, his hands quivering as he feels a mix of warm and cold flowing liquid down his head. Tommy knows something isn't right, as he hasn't been able to open his eyes since he felt the pain. Maybe it's just the fear stopping me, he thought as he went to the bathroom to clean up.

Better to clean off my face just in case, and a blindfold wouldn't hurt right?  Tommy nodded to himself, stumbling blindly around the top floor of his house he finds the bathroom and opens the door. Fumbling around in the drawers he finds himself an eye-mask, a comb and a hand towel. For cleaning my face from the sweat n stuff, yeah..

With a sharp inhale, he wiped along his eyes feeling an intense, painful sensation. Stopping to breath a few times he finishes cleaning his face and hands. Quickly flips the eye-mask on and combing his hair over said mask before crawling his way back to his room to change, grabbing the first large jumper he could.

As he finished with all of this, he heard his doorbell ring frantically, and shortly after his name was called once or twice. It was Tubbo.

"Coming Tubbo, gimmie a minute!" He calls out from his room, then leading his way out of his room and beginning to move towards the stairs. Shit this is harder than I thought.. and speak of the devil as he reached the top of the staircase his foot slipped on the carpeted floor, sending him barrelling down the 10-flight staircase with a crash.

"FUCK!" He cried out as he reached the bottom, his body wracked in pain form the tumble. He breathed a few times, then standing up and slowly making his way to the now constant ringing of the doorbell.

"Yeah yeah give me a second you twat. I just fell down the stairs." Tommy spoke, and the ringing stopped for a moment as Tommy reached the handle and unlocked it. Of course he couldn't see, but he could sense that Tubbo had been bawling the whole way here, from the muffled sniffling and occasional hiccups from outside. Tommy stepped to the left, hitting a wall and grunting before then swapping to the right side - beckoning Tubbo to enter.

Tubbo walked in, I could hear his footsteps go straight to the couch. Shit. He's really making me work here Tommy thought, his hands still trembling he slowly made his way to the couch. He would occasionally have to put his hand out to stop himself from hitting a wall or cabinet, but he got there eventually and was immediately embraced into a tight hug by Tubbo who was crying his eyes out.

"Shhhh, it's okay Tubbo. See? I'm fine. The guy did nothing to me." Tommy coo'ed, pulling Tubbo closer with one arm and using the other to gently brush through his hair. 


Tubbo is fragile, and I will do anything and everything to make sure he doesn't break. Tommy promised himself, after fighting a bunch of bullies who had called Tubbo out for wearing a pretty bee-themed skirt to the park. 

Anything to protect him. 

He repeated in his head, calming Tubbo down with coo's and soft brushes through his hair.


End flashback

"T-Tommy please... What h-happened to you- Why d-did you s-scream for he-lp?... You d-don't need to lie to m-make yourself strong in f-front of me.. P-please!" Tubbo stuttered heavily, though being calmed by Tommy it wasn't enough to calm his rising anxiety and fear of losing his best and closest friend. Tommy sighed gently, making sure not to shift Tubbo's head to sharply.

"Tubbo, believe me when I say that as far as I know, that guy didn't do anything to me. I can promise you that." Tommy spoke, it taking every ounce of his being to lie to Tubbo in such a fragile state. For Tubbo, he repeated in his head to reassure himself.

Tubbo didn't believe him, breathing a few times he pulled himself to look at Tommy - only now realising the hair over the eyes, the extra jumper, the blindfold over his eyes, and the fresh blood seeping through it down his cheeks like tears.

Tubbo paused, holding two fingers into the air he said "H-how many fingers.. Am I holding up Tommy?" he asked and felt as Tommy's whole body tensed up at the sudden question.

"Uh.. 4? No, 1, no, 5." Tommy muttered, finally deciding on the number 5 as his final answer. He heard a sudden gasp from Tubbo. 

Shit, wrong answer.

Tommy thought, however before he could react Tommy felt Tubbo's soft hands on his face, before the eye-mask he had over his eyes were removed he cussed - throwing himself away from Tubbo and forcing his combed hair over his eyes.

That's when he heard Tubbo calling someone. He knew it wasn't the emergency line as it was more than 3 digits, but he called someone and that was a fact.

"Tubbo who are you calling?!" Tommy asks frantically, reaching out to grab Tubbo but suddenly realising that he isn't seated there anymore. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck Tommy repeats in his head, not being able to locate Tubbo he feels a sickly chill sweep over him as he heard the familiar voice of an older British man.


(Word count 1139)

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