Getting to Know You

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After an okay night rest for the both of them, Adam awoke to the familiar smell of breakfast. He walked down the stairs to the dining area and fixed himself a plate of eggs, bacon, and toast. He instead of sitting down across from Belle, he sat next to her. 

"I think today we should spend some time in the garden. It snowed so much last night. It should have brought the winter swallows. Have you ever fed the birds before?"

"I haven't even really been outside in the snow. Makes my fur all wet." She glanced down at her plate of food

"It will be a fun afternoon. I promise." Adam placed his hand on her paw. "We could get more reading done today. I found a book I want us to read together.

"Oh, alright. If you insist." She shrugged. 

The pair then finished up their breakfast before heading out to the garden. Adam grabbed a bag of bird feed from the shed. He threw the seed all on the ground, and before long, a swarm of winter swallows. He put some of the grain in the hands of Belle. Soon, birds landed all over her arms to feast on the corn in her furry palms. She looks around at the birds and back to Adam. Adam just smiled.

"Have you ever had a snowball fight?" He giggled.

"No. I have no one to do it with." Before she could finish, Adam threw a snowball at her face. 

"Gotcha!" Adam laughed.

Belle let out a small growl and gatherer up a large ball of snow. She lifted it above her body, but it was knocked down on her by another snowball thrown at her face. 

Miss. Potts, Lumiere, and Cogsworth looked down from a window and smiled.

"I think she is the one. Belle has so much love for him in his eyes. I can feel that the curse will be broken soon!" Lumiere said.

"I do believe you are right." Miss. Potts hopefully said.

"As long as things go to plan, we should be free by sundown. Hopefully." Cogsworth said with a smile.

The pair walked inside to make their way to the fireplace. Adam grabbed a book and headed to where Belle was sitting. 

"This story is about a prince in disguise trying to win a princess over." He opened the book and began.

"It all starts with three wishes..."

Adam turned to Belle and smiled.

"I am excited about dinner tonight. That is if you still want to." 

Belle leaned in closer. "Of course I do."

"Then, we should go get dressed and ready." Adam closed his book and placed it on a table. 

He walked out the door and made his way to his room. He went to Madame and opened her up, looking for something formal and classy as well as blue and gold.

"Please help me find something that will impress her." He pleaded. 

He then found an outfit that was royal blue with gold trim that also had a white undershirt. He put his new outfit on him and looked at himself in the mirror.

"Why you look like a prince! She will love this on you!" Madame boasted. Cogsworth opened the door. 

"Your princess awaits." He giggled. 

Adam made his way out the door and was greeted by Belle in a golden gown. He walked up to her and was shocked by her beauty. He looked deep into her eyes and placed his hand on her cheek. 

"You are so beautiful tonight."

"You don't look too bad yourself." She smiled warmly at him.

"Care to go to dinner?" He placed his hand on his hip, and Belle linked her arm around his.

The pair walked down the stairs together and made their way to the excellent dining area. The two sat down and were treated to a four-course meal. A knight came over with a violin and started to play romantic music for them. Adam looked over at Belle and was beginning to fall in love with her. They raised a toast of reading wine together and made a toast for their evening together. 

After dinner, the pair took a romantic stroll in the rose garden. Adam picked a rose off the bush and placed it in her fur. 

"There, you look so beautiful." He blushed.

"Thank you." She replied.

The two then went back inside the castle and made their way into the ballroom. Adam bowed in front of her and placed out his hand. 

"May I have this dance?" He asked as the same knight came in with another knight who then sat at the piano in the room's corner. 

Belle grabbed his hand with his paw, and Adam dragged her to the ballroom floor. The pair locked together in a romantic embrace. He looked deep into her eyes and saw the princess that lay within. Adam was for sure that he was the one. As they were dancing, Adam smiled a crooked smile. Belle looked at him and asked him a critical question.

"Are you happy here, Adam?" She asked

"Oh, I am. I love the library and hospitality. Everyone has been so kind and wonderful to me. I couldn't have asked for any better. I still miss my father so much. It has been hard without him. I wish that I could see him again."

Belle looked deep into Adam's eyes and placed her paw on his cheek.

"There is a way that you can see him again. Meet me in my room tomorrow morning so that I can show you to him. I promise you that you will see him." 

"You can do that for me?" Adam looked down and started to cry. "I am so worried about him. This is the first time that he hasn't spoken to me. I hope that he isn't sick or hurt." 

"Yes. I promise that you would be able to see him. Thank you for a wonderful evening, Adam. It means so much to me. I haven't had this in many years." 

"You are so welcome. It is getting really late. I should head to bed now." Adam kissed Belle's paws. "Goodnight."

Adam got up and walked up to his room.

Belle let out a soft cry. "I love you, Adam." 

Lumiere came out to greet her.

"So how did tonight go? Was it as magical as you expected it to be?" He asked with hope in his voice.

"Oh, Lumiere. It was amazing." She pulled the rose out of the fur of her head. "But I was too nervous to say what I was really feeling. I just couldn't." She placed her head in her hands. 

"It's not too late. You have three days left." He patted her leg.

Back up in Adam's room, he put on a pair of silk pajamas. He hummed to himself. Madame looked over at him and smiled.

"So, I guess it went well?" She asked politely.  

"Oh, it was magical. I had the time of my life. I wish I could tell her how I feel. I become like a stone when I try to tell her how I feel. I do not understand why. I don't see a beast in her. I see Beauty. I love her." 

"Then you should tell her how you feel in the morning."

"You are right." He laid his head down on his soft pillow and drifted off to sleep.

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