Trick or Threat? #HalloweenVault3D #HV3D

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T'was Halloween night, for some it's the night where they can wear their costumes without anyone judging how ridiculous they look, run around the streets knocking at every strangers door to get some candies, pulling pranks and egging people's houses just for fun and all night partying, but for Mr. Raymundo, it's just a regular night where he could give the children a good old door slam in the face when they go trick or treating.

Mr. Raymundo is a grumpy old guy who doesn't like children nor halloween and also hates the fact that people celebrate it every single year so it was such a blessing in disguise for him that people are advised to not celebrate Halloween in their town due to the pandemic outbreak. He thinks to himself that he can now finally get to enjoy the rest of November without a single knock on the door.

He turn on the radio and decided to take a nap on his old rocking chair for the time being. But in the middle of his nap, there was a knock on the door. Angrily, he quickly stand up and open the door with rush to the door and yell but to his surprise there was no one outside, not a single shadow.

He was about to step outside when he saw a lock of hair on the floor. "Is this a new version of their tricks? Scaring the grumpy old man with a lock of hair? I laugh in my head. Why would a human hair scare me?". He thought to himself

"Oh, I'm so scared and I think I'm gonna have a heart attack tonight and die" He said sarcastically and grab the lock of human hair and went back inside to continue his sleep but there was another knock on the door the only difference is that it's much louder than before. He started to become cranky again and rush to open the door to see who it was but there was still no one. He look at the floor and there was another lock of hair so he picks it up and take it inside, slamming the door closed. He's so confused and a bit scared since he notice that there was a bit of fresh blood along with it.

He was about to call the police when there was yet again, another knock on the door, but this time it became louder and louder. He quickly dialed the police station's number and was about to ask for help when a little girl answered from the other line.

"Trick or treat Mr.Raymundo" . After hearing it, he burst into tears. He knew that voice. That little girls voice and he remembered how she used to knock on his door every halloween and ask for candies but he refused and Everytime and there was also a time when he made fun of her being bald not knowing that she had cancer and was about to die later on.

Halloween 🎃 #HalloweenVault3D #HV3DWhere stories live. Discover now