Chapter 3

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Later that evening an assistant found Aurelia curled up in an armchair within the deepest depths of the royal library. A massive tome propped up on her legs that were leaning against one of the arms. One hand absently fiddling with the pages as she read, clearly engrossed, in whatever legends or tales they held. With her trusty companion, Levi Ayer's sitting in the chair right next to the princess reading over her shoulder. The assistant cleared his throat and Auri jumped. He merely handed her a scroll and left the two teens to read.

Unrolling the scroll Auri groaned. 'My father wants to see me.'

'Meeting? Or something else?' asked Levi sitting up straighter in his chair, as Auri merely curled up tighter making her voice muffled as she said.

'He wants me dressed in my finest, there must be some visiting dignitary arriving or something.' She sighed, 'I should probably head off then, see you at dinner?'

'wouldn't miss it, princess.' Levi smiled as he turned back to his book.

Auri set off at once headed towards her chambers, smiling to herself. Even though she and Levi weren't even close to more than a friendship, she still felt freer. As if she perhaps did have all the time in the world. Somehow, they had become closer If that was even possible Walking through the corridors she called for her maids and by the time she had reached her rooms they were waiting with a dress out ready to go.

Pulling it on and letting her hair be pulled up, Aurelia realised that this meeting must be special. She was sure this was a new dress and to merely meet with her father it was a little extravagant. A fitted golden yellow bodice reached to her waist where layers of gold and yellow puffed out accentuating her waist while maintaining a sense of decorum. This on top of her corset, which she thought had been pulled much too tight gave her an elegant figure. Her hair was pulled from her face as was proper and an excessive and smothering mask was fitted to her face.

Being bowed out, Aurelia had to hurry to reach the meeting chambers on time. Whoever designed this place didn't think of necessity that was for sure. A small knot of nerves that had been developing all day became known to Auri as she passed the final corner to the chambers. Surrounding the door were several guards and what seemed to be half the court. The guards immediately parted the crowd for her and Auri smiled at one who had always been especially kind to her.

'Her Highness Crown Princess Aurelia Orinth.' The same guard announces Auri might have recalled her name being Cala.

As Aurelia stepped through the door, she immediately knew that this meeting was not to be a good one. She curtsied to her father, awaiting the introduction of the two men already present.

"Aurelia my dear, it's been too long." The elder of the two said stepping forward to kiss her hand. Auri jolted in surprise, why did this man look so familiar. The answer came to her when Levi stepped through the door, it was his father.

"Yes, yes. Aurelia, you know Lord Ayers, quite familiar with his son I believe." He turned to the younger man beside him, Auri glanced at Levi cautiously. Something told her she was not going to like what was about to happen. "This is Lord Jackson Espon of Cartere."

Auri hastily sunk into a curtsy, as the Lord came forwards to kiss her hand. She moved imperceptibly closer to Levi. "And to what do I owe the pleasure."

"Well, Auri you know that within a year you are to be 18, quite the respectable age to be married. And well I'll let Lord Espon continue." Her father bowed out of the way.

"Your Royal Highness Aurelia Orinth," Auri had decided she despised all but one of those titles and the chains that they tied to her, "I have come to ask if you would consider the proposition of our engagement and linking of our lands."

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