chapter 1

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Sika Amero

"Stop running! I'm trying to help you," a crazed laugh escaped my lips as I skidded to a halt.

"You're kidding right?" the girl behind me keeled over, breathing hard "it's Armageddon"

"Armageddon that's the end of the world right?" I growled, low in my throat ,and spun towards the girl my eyes glowing. The girl screamed as my hand caught on fire burning away the human skin on my body.

"Go away I don't need help" the girl raised an eyebrow and stood up just as the ground shook, throwing her backwards towards the edge of the cliff. A scream ripped its way through the air towards me as the girl struggled to stay on the cliff. Fear coated the air as the ground began to shake again and the girl was thrown off the cliff towards the sea. My eyes widened and I tore towards the cliff where I had last seen the girl. I scanned the water looking for her but for once it seemed that the fog had more to hide.

"Lost something?" A voice called from behind me. My head whipped round to face the silver haired boy. I tightened my fist and walked towards the boy, my hands on fire.

"Hey relax, I'm on your side," the rage burning within me subsided.

"Max" I croaked out sliding towards the floor. The silver haired boy caught me wrapping pure white wings around me.

"What happened, Sika" he whispered in my ear holding me tighter, stroking my hair.

"That's girl she just-" sobs wracked my body as I buried my head in Max's chest. Calloused fingers hooked them selves under my chin and lifted my golden eyes to his teal ones.

"It's ok, there was nothing you could do" his voice was a quiet whisper as he brushed his lips past my cheek.

I slowly regained my composure and stood up staring into the distance. The angel boy walked up behind me placing his hand against my back.

"We need to leave before there is another quake" Max has lost any emotion from his voice and his eyes had become dull. I took in his appearance for the first time. Soft white wings, a torn maroon shirt, too small shoes and grey jeans. His silver hair blew in the wind flashing his enchanting teal eyes. I quickly looked away before I made the wrong decision. Max grabbed my wrist turning me to face him.

"Sika, we need to move" I looked up at him as the ground shook again drawing our attention to the cliff where people were crouched trying to stay on the cliff. Mothers clung to children, fathers fought to keep there families safe but all around them was death. Max clung to me as if scared if he let go I would die.

     Eventually the ground stopped shaking. Thousands were dead and almost half were dying. Max reluctantly let go of me and I sprinted to the horde of people. 


"Max we have been walking for weeks me and you may not need sleep but the others do" the silver haired male looked at me, a blush rising on his cheek.

"Alright we'll find some place to set up camp" the angel boy turned to carry on walking when the ground shook again. Saske and Michael the demon twins instantly grabbed my arms holding me close. Max shot into the air hovering above us wings draped over to protect us from any falling rocks.  And then it all stopped. The twins released my arms and stood up waiting. And then it happened.

Sika Amero

The ground ruptured open, spewing hot molten lava onto the ground. I spun round as the twins were thrown in opposite directions of me. This was bad the world wasn't meant to end until....

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Nov 03, 2020 ⏰

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