[ hood ]

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week 5 was almost over. irwin was a nice guy, i could talk to him when i was bored and when there was no school.

the school here really got me mad. there's a class, made up by about 20 boys.

we got put in groups of four, for each lesson we have. the groups never change.

luckily, irwin was in the same group as i am. me, irwin and two other boys. clifford and hemmings, i think.

they are room mates, like me and irwin.

today in class, we had subject 'behaviour'. holy fuck, of all subjects we have, this one stressed me the most.

"good morning, gentlemen" the teacher walked in and automatically we stood up.

"good morning, sir"

and then he started talking and i didn't listen. it's boring.

"mr. hood, how do you greet a young lady on the street?"

suddenly the teacher was standing infront of my desk.

"uhm, uhm I think.."

the teacher looked at me with a sad smile. "what please?"

i stood up. we had to stand up when we answered the teacher. jeez, i though i finished school..

"i don't know, sir. i am sorry"

he just nodded and i groaned silently, sitting down again.

finally, lunchtime came. I grabbed some food and walked to my table, where hemmings, clifford and irwin were already sitting.

"hi", I muttered.

i could act tough, it seemed to everyone that i was the rough asshole, which i was sometimes when someone or something was annoying me, but in fact i was very shy.

"hood. did you sleep in class or what?" clifford laughed when i placed my food infront of him.

i gritted my teeth. "yeh, clifford rat. i slept in class. got a problem with that?"

the dipstick just laughed again.

"you're an asshole", he told me smiling.

hemmings just rolled his eyes. his hands were trembling and he clearly needed a tissue for his nose.

"you need crack don't you?" irwin laughed and pointed at hemmings.

hemmings smiled weakly.

"i didn't do drugs for eight weeks. it's killin' me"

irwin laughed again.

"so you got here for sniffing and dealing with that shit?"

hemmings nodded.

"yea. what about you, irwin?"

irwin smiled proudly.

"rape, my friends. rape"

my jaw dropped open. fuckin' rape. i never would have guessed that. he looked like a fun guy, like someone to steal shit with and not to rape..

all the times we spend in a small room together i have been too afraid, too shy to ask for what he got in here. now there he sat, smiling proudly at his delict.

drugs, rape.. what came next?

"clifford", irwin spoke.

the boy looked up.


"what you here for?", irwin asked smiling. i swear this guy never stopped smiling.

"alc and breakin' in. i'm the most chill of y'all"

clifford grinned.

"and you, hood rat?"

my heart started racing.

"uhm.. uhm beatin' and shit", i mumbled.

hemmings laughed. "cute", he grinned.

i turned red.


"the food is crap" clifford said after long silence.

"just like you" hemmings mumbled.

irwin laughed.

"aww hemmings, you're too cute"

hemmings grinned.


"i'm tired of always calling you by your last names", clifford admitted after another silence.

i nodded. "call me calum or cal, i honestly don't care"

hemmings smiled.

"i'm luke"

irwin smirked.

"ashton's my name"

"and i am michael"

"you're my only friends", luke said shyly and didn't look up.

i felt really close to him. he seemed so calm and.. and normal. he seemed down to earth and i liked that. i always needed someone to calm me down.

"gay", michael mumbled and ashton punched him in the arm.

"asshole", luke told michael.






michael stood up and left.

luke just laughed.

"he's always like that. if he feels like i won an arguement, he always leaves. he's such a baby"

he stood up.

"i'm gonna go search for that idiot. meetin' in 20 minutes at music lesson?"

ashton and i nodded.

"well then."

luke smiled and waved. then, he started spriting, searching for his room mate.

"they are pretty cool, huh?", i asked ashton.

he smiled. i told you he never stoppes smiling!

"yeh, pretty cool. c'mon calum, you beatin' bastard, let's finish here and go to school to become good boys again, eh?"

i kinda like his jokes.


smiling, i finshed my food. maybe it wasn't that bad here.


I dedicate this chapter to my best friend, my soulmate and my sister. Today's her birthday and if you read this Jean, I love you with all my heart and I hope today will be one of the most beautiful days in your life xx

(she's on wattpad, too 5SOS_are_my_penguins is her name if ya wanna check her out)

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