Chapter Seven part II of II

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He smirked almost triumphantly and made his way across the room to stand in front of me, all the while ignoring Taehyung who was beside me.

"Did you miss me?" Jackson brought me in for a more-than-awkward hug, pulling back only a few inches from my face. His eyes left mine and down my open blouse, causing me to shy away from his hungry eyes.

"Um, so what exactly are you doing here?"

"I came to get you back." Jackson cracked a smug smile, but in Taehyung's direction, obviously aiming the statement at him.

Waaaeeee? Why am I the cursed one? All I want is a normal, happy life. Instead I get my dumbass ex showing up to get me back.

What does that even mean?

"And who, might I ask, are you?" Taehyung growled in annoyance, fists balled and his feet ready to charge at any moment. My ex scoffed at the way Taehyung was reacting.

That was always the one thing I hated most about Jackson; his complacent arrogance in front of other men. If a guy so much as looked at me, Jackson would immediately explode with rage. Many times he landed in jail until I bailed him out.

I wish he'd just leave me alone. "I'm V, Haejin's boyfriend." My ears perked up and so did my head as I listened to Taehyung reply.

Jackson snorted at the latter's comment, slowly and menacingly approaching Taehyung, eyeing him over as if evaluating his worthiness. Timidly, but firmly, I placed a hand on Jackson's chest, urging him not to start a fight he'd surely lose.

Instead of heading my warning, the boy grabbed me by the hand, pulling me until we were chest-to-chest. "Jackson..please.." I begged while trying to release his grip on me. Meanwhile, furious breathing could be heard behind me, spewing from none other than the mouth of Kim Taehyung. Please don't start anything. Dear, God why me?

"It's ok, Jin babe..."

"Jin babe?! Who the hell-"

"Stop! V please, I can handle this. Go back to the room." I needed both of them to calm down, and it seemed the only way was to step between the two of them. Taehyung backed up a few inches, then smiled devilishly down at me.

Don't. You. Dare.

"Fine, Jin babe. I'll go back to our room," Taehyung paused with a smirk, knowing full well that his words were getting under Jackson's skin. "Where we do it."

That was it. Jackson had heard enough, telling from the way he suddenly lunged at Taehyung. Both boys tumbled to the floor, Taehyung was on his back trying to pry Jackson's hands from around his neck. All I could do was scream, "Stop it! Please stop! You're hurting him!" My voice cracked uncontrollably while they continued to tussle.

I couldn't let this continue. I had to stop them, somehow. Jackson and Taehyung started throwing their fists at each other's faces and I'd had about enough. Grabbing the first thing I saw, my hands cast the object down in an attempt to stop them.

I closed my eyes when the vase collided with something and broke into pieces. I expected to see Jackson sprawled out on the floor, but gasped in horror at the revelation that I'd actually hit Taehyung.

The last sound he uttered was a grunt before his body collapsed onto the carpet. I lost it. "Taehyung!! No! Tae.. Taehyung, please. Answer me. Kim Taehyung wake up this instant!!!" In between sobs I was once again grabbed by the man I despised most. I panicked when he smiled down at Taehyung's unconscious body. "W-we have to do something! He needs to be taken to the doctor!!"

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