Chapter 32. The Fat Lady ☾

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A/N I don't own anything

The weeks leading up to Halloween went by very quickly. Harry had tried to convince Professor Dumbledore that Remus could sign his permission slip, but the lycanthrope categorically refused to go against the headmaster, even if he was still peeved at the man for allowing Harry to be at the Dursleys.

Harry did the appropriate amount of complaining and whining before "giving in". He told Draco and Hermione, though, that he still planned to go to Hogsmeade.

"Harry, no!" Hermione whined.

"Why not? The 'mass murderer' everyone is scared about is currently drooling on my bed, dreaming, supposedly, of chasing Pettigrew off a cliff. At least, that's what he tells me." Harry reminded her.

"But-but that's against the rules." Hermine complained. Draco rolled his eyes.

"You're fine with making Polyjuice in a girls' bathroom without the appropriate approval, don't shy away from sneaking a dragon out of school, and don't even bat an eye at sneaking into the restricted section, but this is where you draw the line? Harry having a little bit of fun?" Draco asked. Hermione huffed.

"It's for his own protection. Black may not be out to get him, but that does not mean that there are not other death eaters willing to line up to take his supposed place. Not only that, but dementors are flying over as we speak. What would Harry do if he found himself up against a dementor?" Hermione almost squealed.

"Use my patronus that I learned before anyone else knew about it?" Harry suggested like she was an idiot.

"And where did you learn this highly complicated, nearly impossible spell, Harry?" Hermione shot back.

"Professor Lupin...this...year. Oh, you mean, when someone asks me? Oh, I didn't think about that." Harry struggled. He hated when Hermione was right. "But that doesn't mean I can't go out under my invisibility cloak and get some candy or prank products from Zonko's." Dragon woke up to the last suggestion and came padding over to the group. He began licking Harry's face.

"Oh yes, the terrifying mass murderer who is currently liking his target's face." Draco drawled sarcastically as Hermione giggled. She sighed.

"I guess I can stay. I really should catch up with Remus anyway." Harry remembered. Dragon perked up. Harry shook his head. "No, not you. You'll go to another part of the castle where I know you won't expose yourself to your best friend." Draco winced.

"Uhm, Harry, wording. Wording, my friend, wording." Draco repeated. Harry looked up confused.

"What?" He asked, scrunching up his face. "Oh, eww. Draco, you knew what I meant. Get your mind out of the gutter." Dragon started gagging. The group laughed.

The day of Hogsmeade came and with it, came promises from Hermione and Draco to bring him back candy and pranks. He thanked them and hugged them before they left.

"Watch out for Black!" Harry warned jokingly. Hermione and Draco laughed and nodded before heading out. Harry then walked towards Professor Lupin's office. Dragon followed.

"Dragon, no. You cannot come with. Leave." Harry ordered. Dragon did so, but whined and showed his puppy dog eyes as he left.

Harry knocked on Professor Lupin's office door. The man opened it and welcomed him in.

"Ah, Harry! What a lovely surprise. I am sorry, again, about the fact you could not go to Hogsmeade today. Maybe next time, when I will be supervising." Remus suggested. Harry held back a moan as he thought of Mother Remus following him around, hovering.

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