1. After years

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What does it feel like to see someone who taught you how to love,
the one whom you have loved for more than ten years,
the one who had stole your whole heart, body and soul,
and the same one who abandoned you over a daylight without your own knowledge;

is now holding another person close towards their heart as if they own them?


Lazily swaying and whirling the fine crystal glass with half filled red wine, Shen Wei was busy chitchatting with the guests gathered there. His eyes were quite unfocused, the usual pale cheeks and ears flushed to a deeper shade of red.

Dizziness was starting to wash him over slowly as he stood among others in the large and luxuriously decorated hallway of the grand hotel they booked for today's event in the centre of Dragon city.

Shen Wei is not that much of a drinker; he is low-alcohol tolerant. But he will still drink today anyway because it was their company's annual party and it was quite necessary to accompany his husband and their guests.

It's almost midnight and everyone was leaving back to their homes one by one. Shen Wei was about to go to washroom when he felt someone tugging his suit pants.He turned around to see a lovely little girl in cream crochet frilled frock, clenching his clothes.

The cute girl whose hair tied in a high end pony tail was chuckling ear to ear, as if she found something so special.

With a sheepish smile, Shen Wei bend down to the level of the little girl and was about to ask who is she when a woman came walking speedily to their direction.

"Yiwei, how many times have I told you not to run away like this..."

Shen Wei amusedly watched the mother and girl as she mildly scolded the kid who all the while stood with her gaze fixated on her shoes. When the girl's mother noticed him, she began to apologize to him profusely as she loosened the little hands of her kid that were still clutching his clothes with embarrassment.

Shen Wei only smiled in reply and he was turning to go back his way once again.

"Ah lan, you finally came. Yiwei was acting naughty again..." He heard the woman saying, probably to her husband.

But his body suddenly frozen in his steps when the replying voice of a very familiar person resounded in his eardrums.

A voice that he will never forget in his lifetime.

With shock written all over his face, Shen Wei twisted his torso to see that one face that he had been dying to see once again, that one face he has been searching relentlessly in each and every person he met over all these years.

And Shen Wei was burning.

Shen Wei was burning inside when the man he had once loved the most with all his heart and the man he hates now the most with passion appeared before him again, with his wife and child, hugging and holding each other.

His heart was throbbing in inexplicable pain and his each nerve endings ached with passion as he saw another person in the place where he could have been.

His body heat was rising up by each second he stayed there and he find it very hard to breath. Unknown to himself, his body was terribly shaking. Tears that welled up in his eyes threatened to flow down any moment.

He immediately shrank away in reflex when someone suddenly touched him out of nowhere. Fighting the disobeying nerves, he slowly roused his head and realised that it was his husband.

"What happened Shen Wei? Your nose is bleeding"
Then only Shen Wei felt the warm liquid trickling down his nose. Liu Yang brought a tissue towards his face but Shen Wei moved back and slapped his hands away lightly, clumsily wiping away the blood with the back of his hands.

"Nothing. I- It's nothing." He shook his head in denial.

May be his husband would be scolding him later for disgracing him in public with such a show. But he won't care.

Because Shen Wei hates it. He hates the touches of this person. Moreover he hates the one who had made him so helpless like this.

Without wasting any moment or waiting for his husband, Shen Wei walked out of the hotel towards his car. It was like torturing himself to stay in the same place as that person.

But what Shen Wei did not noticed in his distress was that the same person who caused him this shock staring back at him with a thoroughly startled expression and immediately following him as he went out, leaving his wife and kid there.

Shen Wei opened the door of the car and was about to get in when Zhao Yunlan grabbed his wrist suddenly, not letting him go. Shen Wei didn't have to turn to see to whom this touch belong to.

It burnt.

His skin burnt in that touch. He tugged his hand back in panic but Zhao Yunlan was not ready to let go. Shen Wei doesn't want to break in front of this person. He never wanted to show how much vulnerable he is in front of him, how much weak he is before him. But nothing had been in his control.

The tears he was fighting to hold back till then began to flow uncontrollably.

May be because Zhao Yunlan also hate to see this person breaking, he released his hold on Shen Wei.

Shen Wei not at once looked at him again and asked his driver to drive him back home.

Zhao Yunlan stood there and watched silently till the car completely disappeared from his sight.

And that night Shen Wei barely slept as the tears constantly wetted his pillows, just like how those pillows muffled his heart wrenching sobs and cries these past years.


Shen Wei was blindly in love with Zhao Yunlan.

Yes, they were inseparably in love.

Although Shen Wei's parents never really protested or was against their son in love with a man, Yunlan's parents never accepted them. But they wanted to be together no matter what, they wanted to spend their rest of life together in each and everything.

And so they decided to elope.

Shen Wei had been waiting for Yunlan.

Hugging the bag that he had prepared weeks ago close towards his chest, he had been waiting for his lover on that bridge.

On that heavily raining night, Shen Wei stood there totally drenched. His glasses were fogging up which obscured his eyesight.

Hours passed.

His legs had been hurting. His whole self was shivering under the cold rain pouring down on him from above and of the bone chilling wind. He felt his feets couldn't hold his weight anymore. White dots were beginning to fill his vision. He was on the verge of collapsing.

But yet, he hold on. He firmly believed that Zhao Yunlan will never leave him like this. And he was hoping that Zhao Yunlan will come sooner.



But his Zhao Yunlan never came for him.

Shen Wei didn't knew love can hurt this much until that day.

And Shen Wei only remember his father coming for him by the wake of morning that day and dragging him back to their car. He was hospitalized for weeks, he was pent up physically and mentally.

Later he came to know that Zhao Yunlan left the town without leaving too much traces.

And Shen Wei never saw him again.

Until today.


And the very next day Shen Wei was caught by surprise when he opened the door and found the same little girl on the doorsteps, smiling ear to ear once again while looking at him amusedly.


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