30 days Part 4

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I looked at taeyong and smirked. I could see his fear in his eyes

Y/n: lips or cheek?

Lucas: lips

Taeyong looked at Lucas with anger

Y/n: alright boys close your eyes, chop-chop

Taeyong: baby girl I have faith in you

Y/n: I said don't call me that, now close your eyes

He rolled his eyes then closed them. All the boys were sitting in the same couch in a line. 

I knew who I was going to kiss, it was pretty easy for me. I slowly started walking towards the boys. I could see Lucas and Jeno smirking the whole time and on the other hand taeyong looked in fear. He knows I would do something stupid like go and kiss Lucas but I wasn't going to.

I slowly tip toed to taeyong. Yes I chose Taeying Duh. I sat in his lap and he immediately smirked. But he didn't open his eyes. I kissed him. This is the first time I kissed him, I mean he kissed me but I never kissed him back. I kissed him passionately and so did he. I allowed him to enter his tongue in my mouth. 

I softly bit his lower lip

Lucas: ok we just said to kiss not eat each other. 

I stopped

Jeno: y/n are we that ugly?

Y/n: I mean you guys are handsome but you said the most good looking one

I smirked 

Taeyong smiled and kissed my cheek 

I went back to my seat and so did the others. 

Taeyong: I like this game so far. Let's continue

The other two boys made annoyed faces, I laughed at them 

Y/n: ok one more round then we are done

They nodded 

Lucas: Taeyong your turn truth-

Taeyong: dare then he smirked 

Jeno: oh we are gonna give you an embarrassing one

Taeyong: then truth

Y/n: you can't change 

Taeyong: fuck

Y/n: I've one in my mind

Jeno: go on

Y/n: Take off your shirt and pants, lay down on the ground, and act like a dolphin that's gotten stranded on land for one minute.

Lucas and Jeno started laughing hard

Taeyong: why do you wanna see me naked?

I smirked 

Taeyong: give me something else

Jeno: no this one it is

Taeyong: you guys are so fucking annoying 

Y/n: you're the one who said you like this game so go on do the dare

He rolled his eyes and took off his shirt but when he took off his shirt I felt my cheeks getting heated up. I covered them with my hand. The he took off his pants 

Lucas: good thing you are wearing your underwear cause other times you don't wear them

Taeyong: SINCE WHEN?

He started blushing. I swear I've never seen this side of Taeyong before. He looks cute when he blushes but he would've looked even more cuter if he wasn't naked😳

The then layed down in the ground and the rest is history.

I couldn't stop laughing so were the boys. He looked so funny I swear.

Time skip last round

It was Taeyong's turn and he chose dare again and I knew exactly what to ask

Y/n: ok your dare is to give me a new phone or even my old phone. I just want a phone that's it

Taeyong: fine I'll but you can only sure it from 2 pm to 9 pm and then you've to turn it off and give it to me,if you use it any further you'll be punished 

Lucas: owowowoowwoow punished 

Y/n: shush you. Fine just give me a phone

Taeyong: you'll get your phone soon

Time skip Next day

I was in the bed as usual cause I was bored. Then taeyong came in the room with a box and gave it to me. I was confused cause it was wrapped with a wrapping paper. I opened it and it was a new phone


I got up and went to him and hugged him. 

Taeyong: remember the rules right?

Y/n: yeah yeah

Taeyong: I'm giving you a new SIM card, but you can't contact with any of your friends or your family members. You can't tell anyone that you are with me or where you are

Y/n: first of all I don't have any friends and what makes you think I'll tell my parents where I am. 

That made me kinda upset

Taeyong: I'm sorry 

Y/n: why?

Taeyong: about your parents 

Y/n: oh fuck it, I don't really give a fucking shit about them. Anyways, I'll make new accounts for all my social medias and shit. 

Taeyong: ok

Honestly now that I'm living with Taeyong, I'm starting to fall in love with him even more. I stare at him sometimes. Me and Taeyong talk at night about our lives. We talk like a couple. I can't sleep without hugging him at night. When I'm with him I get butterflies in my stomach more and more every time.

Sometimes when I'm very happy I give him pecks on his cheek. 

Time skip 1 week


Taeyong: ok ok I'm sorry

Y/n: if you do this next time I'll do a full glam makeup in your face

Taeyong: no no I'm sorry I won't do it again

Taeyong Just ruined my mascara, I've been doing it for past 15 minutes to get the perfect volume but he just came and ruined it 

Now we sometimes act like couples but we are still not one. He's moody but looks hot when he's moody. When he's in a good mood he looks the cutest.  I was on my phone on Instagram scrolling and checking the BTS new "BE" concept pictures. They are having a comback and so excited for it, they look so goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood. Like so good

Then Taeyong came in the room, he looked pretty angry. I was confused.

Taeyong: what time is it?

Y/n: 10:19 why?

Taeyong: why?

He raises his eyebrows, while looking hot. Oh shit I was supposed to turn of my phone ages ago 

Y/n: sorry I forgot 

Taeyong: you forgot? You FORGOT?

He literally screamed. I got scared and dropped the phone in the bed

Taeyong: as I said you are gonna be punished 

He unbuckled his belt and took it off and slammed it on the bed making REALLY loud noise. I got scared and I felt tears running down my cheek. 

It reminded me of my dad, when he used to torture me like his servent. 


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