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"AND I WAS LIKE YOU AND MONIQUE FINNA RAISE IT. THEN I WALKED OUT THE ABORTION CLINIC." The youngest of Corinne's brothers told them the story of how he ended up with his third baby. Everyone sat in their cousin's backyard at the after repast party.

They had a funeral, then they went to the cemetery for the burial, before going to the repast only to want to kick it some more after their time at the venue was over. Corinne and Coriah's grandmother wasn't their brother's grandmother but all five boys were there because they had to support their sisters.

"You so stupid," Kenneth says, shaking his head. It was getting dark and they had been at their cousin's since six.

"Lil cuz." Her cousin Angie's son Lamont says, making her look to her right. "Let me know if somebody start fucking with you cause me and my niggas got you. I ride for them and they gone ride for me." He tells her, drunk as hell. "Okay." She nods looking down at her phone that had started dinging over and over again.

"Who that is?" He asks, to be nosey.

"My friends." She says opening up her phone to see she had nine hundred texts.

She sees three hundred text notifications came from "Gang Gang" which was her group chat with Five, Meech, Paris, and Demon. Two hundred from "OTF" which was Tamia, Lizeth, Kennedy, and Isaiah. Fifty was from "Girly Tingz!" aka just the girls from the OTF group chat, 2 from her friend Tanisha.

She couldn't even get through the rest of their messages clicking to see a preview of what she said because she hadn't heard from her since the fourteenth.

Tanisha was one of Corinne's closest friends. The two girls had been friends since eighth grade and although they didn't talk every day cause Corinne had shit to do, Corinne always was there when she needed her or when she needed to talk but Tanisha gave Corinne her condolences on Sunday and hadn't reached out since.

"Bitch, fuck yo birthday." Corinne thinks reading the messages "You coming to my birthday dinner on the 25th right?" and "You know I want that Chanel perfume set."

"Who's bestie with the?" Lamont asks making the queasy face to match the emoji she had next to the name. "My bestie." She says, making him make a face noticing the contact picture. It was a video screenshot of her and Demon.

"You know what they say about girls and them boy best friends." He tells her. "Nah, he mean to me." She shakes her head pulling out her AirPods. "We'll see." He mutters watching her get on the phone with the boy.

"You good?" Demon asks immediately. "Yeah, I'm okay." She says.

"You sure cause I can get you something sentimental...I don't know what's sentimental for you but I'll figure it out." He tells her.

"I appreciate it cause I know you don't like affection like that."

"Real niggas don't do that love shit." He tells her, making her think, "My sister would like him."

𝖲𝗍𝗋𝖾𝖾𝗍 𝖠𝖿𝖿𝖾𝖼𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇Where stories live. Discover now