Chapter 6

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Chapter Six

Leon loved watching his daughter growing up as Leon wrapped both arms around Lauren as he suggested to Lauren about maybe having another baby, Lauren was surprised by Leon's suggestion about having another baby together, later that night as Lauren was getting ready for bed when Leon walked over towards Lauren and wrapped both arms around Lauren's waist lovingly as Leon placed a soft kiss on Lauren's soft hair as she then tells Leon that she would like to try for another baby, Leon smiled as he rested his hand on Lauren's thigh as he placed soft kisses on her neck while his other hand snaked up under her pj top lovingly, Leon knew how to tease Lauren as she put her hand on Leon's arm as he led Lauren over to their bed, Lauren smiled as she felt Leon touch her lovingly as she loved how romantic Leon was towards her.

Afterwards Lauren cuddled close to Leon in their bed as Leon wrapped their duvet around Lauren as she cuddled in close to Leon as he placed a soft loving kiss on Lauren's shoulder as she loved being close to Leon as they shared a soft kiss, Lauren put her hand on Leon's bare chest as he smiled softly, Leon loved how happy he was with Lauren as she lovingly cuddled in close to Leon as she felt safe with him, Lauren loved Leon with all her heart as she knew how protective Leon was of her and their young daughter Ariana who was sound asleep in her own bed, Lauren smiled softly as she stayed close to Leon as he knew how happy he was with Lauren, who was close to Leon as he lovingly placed a soft kiss on Lauren's cheek as he knew how much he loved her and their young daughter.

Lauren stayed close to Leon in their bed as she felt safe with him and she knew how much she loved him, Lauren knew how lucky she was to be with Leon as they had a close bond, Lauren knew how much she meant to Leon, who lovingly cuddled Lauren close to him, Lauren knew how much happier she was with Leon as they shared a soft kiss before they went to sleep, Leon wrapped both arms around Lauren lovingly as he slept next to the one he loves, Leon woke up the following day and noticed how beautiful Lauren was next to him, Lauren softly sighed as she slept close to Leon in their bed.

Leon sat up after he gently laid Lauren on the bed, Leon smiled as he watched Lauren sleep next to him, Leon was happy with Lauren as he got up and went for a shower, Leon softly sighed as after his shower, Leon got dressed and he went to check on his daughter and Leon smiled as he held his daughter close as he loved his little girl Ariana as she cuddled close to her dad, Leon was happy to be a dad, Leon spent time with Ariana as she was close to her dad as he carried Ariana upstairs to his bedroom as Lauren was sitting up when Leon entered the room as Ariana said "mama" for the first time, Lauren was proud of Ariana and so was Leon as their daughter said her first word.

Lauren was happy with Leon and as the following six weeks passed, Lauren got up and went to be sick, Leon got up and went to check on Lauren as he put his hand on her back gently as Lauren was sick, Leon was worried and he helped Lauren up as she held onto Leon, he led her back to their bed and put the basin next to the bed in case Lauren was sick again, Leon hoped that she was going to be ok, Leon went to check on Ariana and she was still sleeping, Leon softly smiled as he went back to his bedroom, only to notice that Lauren was sick again, Leon went to Lauren and held her hair back as she was sick, Leon suggested that she should see a doctor, Lauren knew that Leon was right and he went to make an appointment for Lauren to see her doctor later that day, Lauren headed off for her appointment while Leon looked after their young daughter Ariana, Leon hoped that Lauren was gonna be ok.

Few hours later, Lauren got back home and she softly sighed as she saw Leon playing with Ariana, she softly smiled knowing how much Leon suited being a dad to their little girl, Lauren walked over to Leon as she put her hand on Leon's shoulder gently as he looked up and saw Lauren there, Leon softly smiled as he went over to her and gave her a hug, just as Lauren tells Leon that they were going to have another baby, Leon wrapped both arms around Lauren lovingly as Leon put his hand on Lauren's small baby bump lovingly, Lauren saw just how happy Leon was about their second unborn baby, Lauren placed a soft kiss on Leon's cheek as he then surprised Lauren with a soft loving kiss, Lauren smiled in their kiss as Leon stayed close to Lauren as he had his hand on her small baby bump lovingly, Leon was happy that Lauren was expecting their second baby.

Later that evening after Leon had put Ariana to bed, Leon rejoined Lauren in the livingroom, Leon softly smiled as he cuddled in close to Lauren, who stayed close to Leon as he whispered something in her ear as Lauren smiled as she loved being close to Leon as she knew that she trusted him with her life, Leon softly kissed Lauren's wrist as Lauren put her hand on Leon's chest as he put his hand over Lauren's as he lovingly stayed close to Lauren as he knew how happy she was with him, Leon kept his hand on top of Lauren's small baby bump lovingly as he was so excited about being a dad again, Leon noticed how closse Lauren was to him, Leon loved their close bond, Leon was happy with Lauren.

Lauren loved feeling close to Leon as she knew how happy she was with Leon as he gave Lauren a cuddle as she stayed close to Leon as they bonded over their unborn baby, Leon placed a soft kiss on Lauren's small baby bump lovingly, Lauren knew how close Leon was to her, Lauren loved being happy with Leon as she knew how close she was to him by the warm fire, Leon whispered something into her ear as she softly smiled knowing how close Leon was as she knew how gentle he was towards her.

Leon put his hands on Lauren's shoulders as he gave her a massage, Lauren softly smiled as Leon showed her just how much he loved her, Lauren put her hand on Leon's thigh as he then surprised her with a passionate kiss, Lauren loved how sweet Leon was towards her and she trusted Leon to protect her and their young daughter, Leon put his hand on Laren's cheek as he then surprised Lauren with a loving cuddle as she loved how safe she was with Leon, as he cared about his family with Lauren, who stayed close to Leon as they were on the fluffy rug by the warm fire as she loved feeling close to Leon as she felt Leon wrap both arms around her lovingly as Leon put a soft kiss on Lauren's jaw lovingly, Lauren loved how happy she was with Leon as he was placing soft loving kisses on Lauren's left shoulder as Leon removed Lauren's pj top as Leon gently rubbed his hands on Lauren's arms as she softly gasped as Leon kissed her collarbone with passion.

Lauren loved how romantic Leon was with her, Leon surprised Lauren with a loving passionate kiss as Leon then gently laid Lauren on the rug as they shared a soft passionate kiss, Lauren put her hands on Leon's back as Leon gently kissed Lauren lovingly as he knew how beautiful Lauren was, Leon placed a soft kiss on Lauren's small baby bump as he rested his hand on Lauren's baby bump as she loved how romantic Leon was towards her, Lauren smiled as Leon gently carried Lauren up to their bedroom, Lauren stayed close to Leon as they were now in their bedroom together as Lauren got into bed before Leon did as he went to get changed for bed as Leon then came back into their bedroom, Leon joined Lauren in their bed, Leon snuggled close to Lauren as he gave her a soft kiss, Lauren softly smiled in their kiss as she loved how romantic Leon was towards her.

Leon stayed close to Lauren as they were in bed together, Lauren placed her hand on Leon's bare chest as he knew how close Lauren was to him, Leon loved Lauren as he gave her a soft kiss on her cheek, Lauren loved Leon so much as she knew how much Leon meant to her as she knew that how close she was to Leon as she was cuddled close to Leon as he kept a loving hold of Lauren close to him, Leon was happy with Lauren as they both bonded over their unborn baby, Lauren knew how far Leon would go to keep his family safe.

What happens in chapter seven?

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