Chapter One

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A/N: Hey all!! This is my first fanfiction. I'm publishing this on AO3 as well, my username is @ musixx. Please enjoy!!! 

Art on top by @ jgills_art on Instagram!!!

     Like the sun, Kei glows when he smiles. At least, that's what Tadashi thinks. A genuine smile from Kei was pretty rare, so Tadashi tried his best to capture the moment in his mind. Kei's face, the coffee-flavored Boba tea resting on the table in front of him, the quiet but busy café they were sitting in. He had made Kei laugh. The light filtered across their faces, bringing out Tadashi's freckles and Kei's eyes, hidden behind glass. They had just graduated high school a few months prior and were starting college in a few days. Tadashi was excited at first, but now, as the day creeps closer and closer, he finds his mind jumbled with thoughts. Thoughts of Kei leaving him for new people, better friends, people without problems and ugly freckles like Tadashi's.

     Tadashi took a sip of his strawberry Boba, refusing to let himself get worked up over something so silly. That is a silly thought. Right? He shook his head to shove the worry into the back of his mind and instead tried to focus on the way the autumn sun made Kei appear more radiant than Tadashi had thought possible. Tadashi twirls a strand of his hair with his finger. "So, Tsukki! Are you excited?? We're finally college students! You're continuing with volleyball, right? I wonder what the team is like!! I bet they're super cool!! I hope we have classes toge-"

     "Tadashi, you're rambling," Kei said, a slight frown appearing on his face. His mouth quirked down on one side, and Tadashi suddenly felt ashamed. He talks way too much, and he must be embarrassing to Kei.

     "Ah, sorry Tsukki!" Sometimes Tadashi forgets Kei has known him since they were little. Of course he picked up on Tadashi's habit. Tadashi deflates a little, smile wavering a tiny bit but quickly returning. Guess you can't hide much from your best friend. Best friend.

     "It's okay, but do you mind telling me what's wrong?" Kei adjusts his glasses and pushes them further up the bridge of his nose. Damnit. Tadashi wasn't really ready to admit his worries to Kei quite yet, but Kei was looking at him with those damn eyes, making Tadashi's heart swoon, leading him to comply.

     "It's really silly... I know you wouldn't leave me behind, but it's just..." Tadashi's hands find the cup of Boba in front of him, holding onto it with both hands like it's a lifeline. He starts biting his lip, a habit he's been trying (but failing) to rid himself of. "You're going to be on the volleyball team. It's so easy for you to make friends. You'll meet more people. People who are skinnier than me, people who don't have ugly freckles plaguing their body. I can't help but fear you'll leave me behind for someone better..." Tadashi stares blankly at the tea. He wonders how long he's just sitting there. Kei hadn't made a sound, and Tadashi was too scared to look up and see his reaction.

     Tadashi was busy cursing Kei's beautiful golden eyes when he felt the booth seat dip on his left. He barely had enough time to react before two long pale arms engulfed him in a warm hug. Tadashi immediately knows its Kei, having long ago memorized the musty scent. Kei's hair tickles Tadashi's neck, and he can feel Kei's breath ghosting over his skin. Tadashi shivers and grips on tightly to Kei's shirt, burying his face into Kei's chest, trying to hide the involuntary blush that spread across his face at the unexpected contact.

     "Tadashi. I thought you knew me better." Kei clicks his tongue and pushes Tadashi far enough away to look him in the eye. When Tadashi looks up, the face Kei wears is the most serious he thinks he'd ever seen on his face. Looking him in the eye, Kei reaches up a hand to gently cradle Tadashi's cheek. Tadashi leans into the touch as Kei rubs his freckles with his thumb. "Don't trash talk my best friend. He's not perfect, but nobody is. I could never replace you, Tadashi." Tadashi comes down from his high the moment he hears "best friend."

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