Chapter Two

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A/N: Hey all!! This chapter is a longer one, so hehe. It also contains some nsfw so there will be a warning. The nsfw lasts the rest of the chapter when it appears. I will summarize what happened in the notes so that you don't have to read it if you don't want to. The smut was written by my friend  Jae_Goat  and edited by me. I hope you enjoy!!!

Art once more by @ jgills_art on Instagram ;)

   Kuroo puts his hands in his pockets and pushes himself off of the counter. He ambles towards Kei and Tadashi, his eyes meeting Tadashi's before he embraces Kei. Kei stiffens under the touch, his ears fully red now, but his face stays straight and composed. Kuroo winks at Tadashi as he pulls away. After ruffling Tadashi's hair, he takes a small step back to look at them both.

"So, you did end up deciding to come here," Kuroo says, raising an eyebrow towards Kei. He puts his hands in his pockets. "I thought you said, and I quote, 'I'd rather be dead than go to school and play volleyball with you.' Decided I'm worth it?"

Kei rolls his eyes and shifts his weight on to one foot then crosses his arms, and Tadashi sees his shift from confident to flustered. Although he does a good job hiding it, after knowing him for so long, an embarrassed Kei isn't hard to spot. Especially if you're the frequent cause of it.

"You really do give yourself too much credit, rooster head. Yamaguchi and I wanted to attend college together and this was the more favorable option that we both got accepted into," Kei raises an eyebrow. "I'm not here for you, I'm here to learn and play volleyball. You just happened to be here."

A small grin spreads on Yamaguchi's face upon hearing how he's the reason Kei's there, not Kuroo. Kuroo catches this and raises his eyebrows. "Oho oho? I see. You and freckles are a thing?" He grins a catlike grin, knowing he's pushing a button that shouldn't be pushed. One that will inevitably send Tadashi into a spiral. A spiral that's already beginning as the sweet smell of the bakery suddenly turned sour in his nose.

"Don't get the wrong idea, Tadashi and I are just friends. I just enjoy his company and know he's a good roommate, that doesn't mean we're dating." Kei scoffs and pushes his glasses back up his nose.

Tadashi keeps up a smile. "Yeah, Tsukki and I would never date. He's like my brother!" Used to this, his smile doesn't falter as he makes direct eye contact with Kuroo, whose evil grin grew bigger at Tadashi's expense.

"Well, it was good to see you," Kei says, sarcasm laced in his attempt to end the conversation. "Yamaguchi, let's get those macarons you wanted and head to our apartment. I'd like to get at least some of our unpacking done before we have to see these idiots again."

"Ok Tsukki!"

"Well, I'm out!" Kuroo says, taking his hands out of his pockets. Tadashi watches him put a hand on Kei's shoulder. "And see you later cutie," Kuroo says as he kisses Kei on the cheek. Kei freezes as Kuroo continues past him out the door, the bell jingling to announce his departure. Tadashi's face pales, tears pricking at his eyes and his throat dry and closing up.

"Well?" Tadashi looks over and sees Kei looking at him expectantly. "Lets go get your macarons." Kei started to make his way to the counter, and Tadashi noticed pink lingering on Kei's ears as he followed.

Akaashi and Bokuto pause their conversation as they notice Kei and Tadashi approaching. They look at Tadashi with sad eyes, probably having noticed his reactions to Kuroo flirting with Kei.

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