Bokuto | My ace

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Third person's POV

You are watching your boyfriend's practice game and it's getting bad because he mist the ball several times

And you know what's going to happen if they lost the match

"Bokuto-san be so stress about this game it's just a practice match"akaashi said trying to convince your boyfriend to lossen up from the trigger

"But I'm the ace I should hit the ball and score I'm so useless akaashi" dramatically said

They started the 2nd match and bokuto still miss a ball. He's really not in a condition today you thought

And yeah you are right they lose the practice match and surely bokuto is so upset now

You approach your boyfriend and wiped his sweats while he is drinking

"Babe?since it friday now do you want to go to mall and eat dinner outside before we go home?" You tried to change the topic and make him forget about thier match earlier

"I'm not worth it for the position of ace or captain"he said looking at his foot. You pat his head

"Aww baby don't blame your self ok?and it's just a practice match so don't be sad let's just have fun tonight ok?" You smiled at him

He didn't replied to you and still looking at his foot

"Bokuto-san y/n is right it's just a practice match" akaashi said

"And a matter of fact you are the most great ace that I know and luckily you are my boyfriend"you hug him and he hug you back

"Really?that why I love you so much my y/n"he said and hug you tighter

"So?are you up tonight?"

"Ofcourse I'll just change ok?"he said and go to changing room

"You really used to control his mood swing huh?"Akaashi tease you

"Yeah I master mind it"you laugh

After he change clothes you two went to mall

You eat and after that you watch movie and play games

"You really make me happy y/n you always do"he said and kiss you in cheek

"Ofcourse I'll do anything to make my 'ace' happy all the time"you said in a sweetly tone

"Thanks for today babe I'm really happy,now get some rest I know you're tired"he pat your head

"Goodnight babe"you said

"Goodnight and sweet dreams my princess" he replied

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