The Shadows Invite Me

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With the soft drumming of my father's fingers against the solid wood table, I only heard this. I gazed at him with a look of disbelief. "You.... killed her because she was corrupted by them?"
With a small nod of his head, my heartbeat pounded against my chest. "You killed mother?" My mind raced with millions of questions, none to be answered by him. He disliked questions. He liked to get to the point, and ignore the rest.
My father cleared his throat and stood up, his powerful frame only seeming a bit weaker from exhaustion, "She was only a woman. Nothing more. A housewife, you could say."
My emotions flickered between rage and grief for a moment, before they were pure rage, "You killed my mother. Your wife." I launched myself up after him, resting the very tips of my delicate fingers against the handle of my katana, then tightened my hand around the handle, my knuckles turning white from the contact.
"You'll die for this."
Then, I was met with the harsh, deep, booming laughter of my father, his chest and shoulders heaving, "You think a puny scrap like you? Could kill me, your father! A warrior! That's quite the tale you've come up with, my boy, quite the tale indeed. Now, step aside, I have people to speak to."
My heart beating in my ears, blood rushing to my face, I stepped aside for him, "Yes. Of course, have fun with your advisors and your other twenty wives."
He halted in his tracks, then turned to slowly glare at me, his brown eyes blazing with fury."What did you say to me?"
"I don't need to repeat myself to a pathetic worm like you."
"You'll regret those words, my boy."
And with that, he slipped out of the tent.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2020 ⏰

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