Chapter 14

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We arrived back home and I steadily woke up, the alcohol still affecting my judgement.

He parked and opened my door picking me up and taking me inside. Louis greeted us at the door.

"Kittyyy!!" I said tiredly.

Corpse just shook his head and set me on the kitchen counter. He grabbed a bottle of water and picked me back up, walking upstairs.

He set me on the bathroom counter having to hold me still when I tried playing with his hair, as he took my makeup off with one of my wipes.

He led me into his bedroom and he changed into his pj's and then tossed me one of his t-shirts. I looked at it funny, tilting my head not knowing what he wanted me to do with it.

"Change before I do it for you"

He didn't look while I slipped my dress off and sat on his bed, stumbling a little trying to take my heels off, but did so successfully and went to put his big t-shirt on.

I had it over my head but was struggling with the holes of the shirt. Jen you are a genius.

Corpse being impatient, turned around and started laughing at my attempts to put his shirt on. Keep in mind the shirt was only over my head. My whole ASS was exposed.

He walked up to me and I guess decided to have a little fun after all the trouble I caused him tonight. I still couldn't get my head through one of the wrong holes and so he started to turn me around. I now had no clue where anything was.

"Corpse!" all he did was laugh.

He finally helped me with the shirt, my head popping up, finally able to see. I saw a smug, devilish boy in front of me. I had, had enough so I gripped his shirt and tried to push him on the bed. He didn't move..

Well :D

"Are you trying to take charge over me, little one?" he said laughing

"Yes, now get on the bed!" I said frustrated

Surprisingly, he did as I said. He sat on the bed and I got on top of him straddling him.

"Now what, love" he said expectingly

"U- Um take your shirt off?" I said not really knowing what I was doing.

He did as I said and sat there looking absolutely and effortlessly sexy. WELL WHAT DO I DO NOW-

"Kiss me" I said confidently with my arms crossed. He smirked.

Instead of going for my lips, he placed his hands on my lower back, more like my butt, holding me in place and kissed my neck roughly and passionately. The feeling overwhelmed me causing me to unfold my arms and I gripped his shirt at his shoulders and breathed heavy.

He moved to my lips and kissed me gently but got rougher as the kiss continued. He flipped me onto the bed so that he was now over top of me, his knee placed between my thighs and his hands next to both sides of my face. I wanted this.

I grabbed the waistband of his pants and he stopped me.

"That's enough" he said getting off of me.

HUH. You're kidding-

"What? What happened??" I asked dumbfounded.

"I'm not gonna do that to you while you're drunk" he said sternly.

"OH. So you can be an asshole whenever you want but as SOON as i'm drunk you're SUDDENLY A GENTLEMAN" I sassed.

Oopsie he looks a little angry :P

He walked back up to me and gripped my chin. "It's not that I want to stop. It's just when we do it, I want you to remember EVERY. little. detail."

I blushed uncontrollably and hard. He laughed and turned the lights off, crawling into bed. He opened his arms for me to crawl up and cuddle. I smiled and did exactly that.

Squeezing him tightly and being just as satisfied. Because, he was a gentleman and if he could wait for the perfect time, so could I.

B- But I was so close I moved my hand from his back and aimed to grab it. He caught my hand and raised it above my head.

"Try again and you sleep in another room, pervert"

I laughed and went back to squeezing him and we fell asleep soon after.


i'm sorry for the tease again😭i promise it's coming soon.

hehe - muffin

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