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DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction, names, characters, business, places, events, locales, and Incidents, are either the products of the Author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance of an actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission of the publisher. Please be advice that this story/novel contains strong language that may not be suitable for young audiences. This story is not yet unedited. It may have typographical and grammatical errors. I'll or I might edit this when the whole story or series is finished. Read at your own risk.

The Possessive Society #1 The Degree of Inclination


A s h l e e  C h a n n e l l e   C h a p m e n

"Hello, there fiancée. It seems that you're avoiding me? I wonder why? Why would you do such ridiculous things?" my dramatic fiance Ronaldo nagged. He's always been like this. Until here in the library, he annoys me? I sighed in annoyance. I calmed myself down since I'm in the library. I'm currently reading a book about business, since I'm taking Business Accounting.

Instead of answering him, I rolled my eyes and decided to just ignore him. But unfortunately, he didn't understood that he should just shut up. Actually, it was more like he was doing  it intentionally because he wants to annoy me. 

 "You know that I'll be always here as your night and shining armor my bride-to-be," he sarcastically remarked then smirked. I rolled my eyes directly at his angelic face. Yes, angelic face because angel's appearance are not pleasing to my eyes.

Looking back, it made me think that we've been engage for 3 years. We got engaged at the age of 18 because of our grandparents dying wish and as good grandkids, we agreed. That's how I got entangled with this tosser called Ronaldo.

"Can you just shut up Ronaldo? I'm studying here if you didn't noticed that," I replied full of sarcasm. 

"Oh c'mon, why are you being mean to your fiancee? We're already engage for 3 years and yet, that's still how you treat me? What a good bride-to-be." he said, in a serious tone and using his childish behavior.

He's obviously gas lighting me.

 I rolled my eyes again because this twat wouldn't stop. This is our routine and I hate it! I sometimes don't want to graduate because if I graduate, it means that I'll be marrying him. 

With a mindset like his, I still couldn't believe that this 21 year old guy made it to college.

 "Stop being childish and be a man. I know that you're only like this towards me. How will your future wife react about this, if she knows that you're being childish towards me?"

"Then, she wouldn't have to react anything because you're her: my future wife." my blood begun to boil after he said that. People are staring us now probably attracted to this guys 'handsomeness' or maybe because we're being loud inside of the library! For Pete's sake, can he just be quiet?

"You know what? Let's just go and eat something. Your treat since you made me do this." I said as I stood up while him following behind me. He linked his arms with mine and walked at my pace. We walked to our destination in that possession. It became silent until he broke it.

"What do you call a pig that does karate?" he said and I rolled my eyes it's one of his corny jokes again.

"What?" I dryly said even though I know the answer already.

"A pork chop. HAHAHA." he laughed.

"Ha. Ha. Ha. Very funny." I said not having enthusiasm.

"Why do most orphans becomes a criminal?" he asked. Great, it's another joke. 

"Why?" I asked confused.

"Because they want to feel wanted," he answered.

Huh? I don't get it. I analyzed the joke carefully and finally realized. I let out a small chuckle and a scoff. That was bloody dark! I refuse to let him see  that I laughed at his joke since it'll make him cocky and more annoying.

"Just shut up, Ronaldo," I said in a calm and mannered tone.

"I'm sorry minha noiva, (my fiancée) It's just that, I like teasing you." he hugged me from behind and barked a laugh after saying those words to me.

I knew that he would do this if I use that tone on him.

"Yeah, whatever. Let's just go," I said and walked with him while he's hugging me from my back. 

We went in to a near by ice cream parlor in our University. Many people are staring at him when we entered the ice cream parlor. He stood up to take our orders, since he already knew what I would like.

I went around and found a table near the entrance. I sat there and took my phone and played with it. I decided to go to Instagram, and scrolled to find some cute boys. I always end up finding Asians. They are just cute and sexy! 

I have an Instagram account, but I don't post stuff nor my face.  I like to keep my life low-key and private.

I was scrolling to my feed and chuckled at a funny Instagram thread. I was chuckling or more like just smiling at it since it was the joke that Ronaldo said earlier. Like what I've said earlier, I refuse to let him see that I laughed at his joke since it'll make him cocky and more annoying.

I placed my phone down and turned it off.

 "Give me the ice cream." I demanded completely changing the subject.

"Na-uh. Not until you tell me why you're smiling while watching your phone." He said in return.

Because I want ice cream so bad, I took the ice cream that he's holding. And it was suppose to be his, since it's Dragon fruit. I licked it as I savor the sweetness in my mouth. 

"It's mine now, since it already has my saliva on it." I said and pleasantly smiled. He smirked then he sat down and went closer to me. And before I knew it, our lips crashed. My system has stopped. Some weird feeling went to my stomach then I felt my cheeks burned.

I copied what he did then both of us are breathing heavily. Eyes wide open and I looked at him in shock. He smirked as he saw my reaction.

"Now that I salivated you, it means that you're mine right?"

Bloody hell.



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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2023 ⏰

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