Strategy X

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A football game is taking place at Bayville high as the home team receives support from the students of their school. During the game, the home team quarterback, Duncan Matthews, makes a touchdown as he falls after being tackled and has his picture taken by Jean Grey.

"Duncan Matthews does it again, this time with a quarterback keeper. The Bayville Hawks seem to have this one wrapped up with time running out." The Announcer said.

Meanwhile, sitting up in the bleachers, Scott Summers is watching the game, with his friend Thea Allen who had blue eyes, brunette hair, and lightly tanned skin, while he's flipping around a quarter with his fingers. Scott drops his change underneath the bleacher he was sitting on.

"Oh, man. My cash." He said but when he tilts his head, he notices a hand going through the bleachers and into the pocket of a man, taking his wallet, Scott taps Thea on the shoulder and pointed to the hand, "Hey, check it. Looks like someone's taking up a collection."

"Come on, Scott, let's go tell the cops," Thea said as she gets up from the bleacher, but Scott grabs her arm.

"Hold that option open. Got another one," Scott told her and got up from the bleachers.

"Scott, what are you doing?" She asked

"I'm just gonna investigate," He answered and headed underneath the bleachers with Thea closed behind him. When they were underneath the bleachers, they saw Todd "Toad" Tolansky being held up by the collar of his shirt against a wooden beam by Duncan.

"Shut up, frog face!" Duncan barked

"Let's crush him, Dunc!" One of the two football players said.

"Let's not, Dunc," Scott said, making both his and Thea's presence known to them, "Just chill. The wallets are still there."

"Why don't we have him give back the cash?" Thea suggested, "No harm done."

"Yeah. Yeah," Toad agreed and took out the money he stole, "See? Here's the money."

"What do you care about this scuzzo, Summers? Allen?" Duncan asked.

"Not much."Scott answered, "But I'm not crazy about three against one either. So how about we settle this peacefully?"

"I think me and my buds are gonna squash this slimeball. So you and your stupid "sunglasses at night" can just bail." Duncan then throws Toad to the muddy ground. Scott lowers his glasses just enough to see a bright red glow.

Thea spotted it and said, "Scott, not here."

"I said, knock it off!" Scott said as he grabbed a hold of Duncan and told him to knock it off before throwing him against his two fellow football players.

His friends help Ducan up by one of them notices that Toad is escaping, "Hey! He's getting away!" One of them said and they both dropped Duncan before going after Toad.

After falling to the muddy ground, Duncan gets up, "Big mistake, Summers. You too, Allen," He tells them angrily as Scott gets into a fighting stance, and Duncan lunges at Scott

Jean arrives and calls out, "Scott, no!" He looks at her, being distracted, Duncan takes this opportunity and socks him across the brow.

"Scott!" Both Jean and Thea call out as Scott is flown back and hits a beam knocking his glasses off and opening his eyes. The optic blast hits Duncan which knocks him unconscious as the blast also hits a propane tank nearby an unattended snack bar. Causing an explosion and the nearby bleachers catch on fire, which results in serious collateral damage to the field.

While Jean was at a safe distance, Thea used her telekinesis to put a shield around her to protect herself from the blast and the falling debris.

"It's too hot to touch, at least with my hands," Jean said as she approached the burning beams and lifts them with her telekinesis finding Scott's glasses. She soon finds Scott still under the bleachers as he sits with his eyes closed after losing his glasses and gives them to him.

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