"oh no...."

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Hey there guys this is author-chan  here❤️  so this is  my first story so I'm very sorry if it bad😞 okay enough chatting let's goo 🤪

Narrator's pov

You and your friends were at school eating  lunch when one of your friends brought up " hey y/n did you hear that there was an abandoned mansion near the woods behind you house" she said with a death stare " oh um I actually never heard of it before" you said sweating afraid knowing what she's going to ask next " hey do you think all of us can go explore it " she said while the others mumbled and noding there heads in agreement.

You gulped afraid that if you say your to scared they are going to lauph at you instead you said "s-sure what time hehe" " how about 4pm sharp" she said quickly "oh um yes I'll be there " .

•your pov •

"Oh no.... What have you gotten yourself into y/n "  you were in your room chanting to ose word over and over again until you hear you phone ding you checked it and it said

Layal: hey you coming im outside with the girls

Y/n: oh um yes sorry

Layla: just hurry up

Narrator pov

You got up walked out  of your room and out the door you said bye to your mom closing the door you heard a familiar voice " hey took you long enough" you turned around it was layla " oh sorry I go lost in my thoughts while waiting " you said hoping it would make sense " ok whatever now let's go " she said running of with the girls you were behind but close enough to see them you jogged to them and cached up .

🌺•lovely time skip•🌺

Narrator pov

You have arrived at the mansion "hey y/ n I dare you to go inside of the house and explore " layla said while trying not to hold in the lauphter you started to sweat even more then when you were jogging "u-um d-do I have to "  " um it's a dare or what are  you a chicken or do you wanna be brave like me " " fine I'll go "

Your pov

" If she is so brave why doesnt she come " you said pouting

Hello this is  to be continued because my hands hurt I'll probably do another one later sorry If it's corny oh by the way the photo on top is how you look in this role play, anywho author- chan out ❤️

(Word count 429)

That Highschool Friend (Creepypasta Fanfic Warning My Au  This Is Not Real) Where stories live. Discover now