Chapter 1 - The Dance

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Michelle come down right now! Yelled mother. Fine, I am here I just don't want to wear that smelly dress it looks like I am going to a wedding if you were me you would understand Mom. I said as politely as I could trying not to be disrespectful. Michelle do you know that I was wearing that same dress while I was your age? And your grandmother wore that before and your great, great mother wore that before. I am just trying to tell you that your whole family was wearing this dress and I want you to wear it because we can't skip a generation after all those years they had saved it. Mother said it trying to make me feel bad. Mom, I know you love this dress but. I know that a time you did not want to wear this dress that had been so old you don't even know how long this was made. Well, Michelle, you have to be grateful for the things you get, and yes I was not wanting to wear the dress but I realized how much work they had put in trying to give all the females this dress. Well, it end's at your generation I don't want to wear this dress mom. I rather die than wear this dress it smells like it wasn't cleaned for the past 24 years. I would never make my daughter wear this so you have to understand me with this because this dress is straight disgusting. She stares at me like she wants to make me but instead she refuses and walks away like she has lost something that meant the whole world to her. So I couldn't feel bad since my mother was always there for me and didn't want to disrespect her as I had already have done so instead I run to close my door and put the dress on trying not to regret all the nasty feathers and the old string's. After I run to my mother and show her me in the dress. Are you a happy mother? She cover's her mouth in joy showing how happy she was. Mom. I am so so so that I disrespected the dress it was a bad choice of words. And I will wear a dress to make you happy. No, no, no, Michelle if you don't like the dress you don't have to wear it. Are you sure? Yes, I am sure why wouldn't I be sure? Well because this is a dress that you wore and everything. Michelle, I hate the dress but your grandmother is trying to make me give you this dress and give it to your baby. Hold up, mom. I ain't having babies they whin and they complain they are too much work. I say trying to sound responsible. Oh yes the 14-year-old talk sure, you aren't gonna have a baby, sure. MOM! I am not I am telling the truth. She laughs, I just stare at her then look away trying not to laugh and just responsible. Mom stops laughing. I say pouting. But baby you are gonna have a baby boy or girl and if you have a boy then he has to wear the boy generation clothes. Wait there are boy generation clothes? Yes, your older brother wore it. I'm sure people laughed at him, I said happy and trying to imagine people laughing. Hey! He looked good~. Mom, please don't say it like that anymore it is kind of weird. But this is what the cool~ kid's are doing~. MOM like years ago! She laughs again. Hey honey we should go in the car to go to the dance. Okay, mother, you can go to the car I will be right there. Okay, Michelle. She walks away not knowing what I was gonna do next, I walked to my closet and put an extra dress in my bag that I was bringing to the dance after I walked to the car but I stopped when I saw my next-door neighbor changing I kept staring at him since he wasn't wearing a shirt, he was only 15 year's old but it was like he was 16 or 17. But he was apart of the football team and I was just in the drama team he would never like me. And I didn't like him he was nasty I bet he doesn't shower. Michelle gets inside the car we don't have time to waste! While my mother was yelling my name he looked at me, I was shy so I ran to the car sat down and slammed the door, and told my mother why? You were staring at him if I didn't do anything the guess what you wouldn't go to the dance we would be late. But Mom he looked at me looking at him. She starts the car and then looks's at me and says apart from a novel she is writing. "Baby, sometimes you have to go with the flow." Ew, mom, there is no flow between me and him. She drives out the driveway and lead are to the school, while we are getting there we sing the song's from the radio. When we arrive we see everyone. Mom, do I have to wear this dress? Well, no I told you didn't have to. Okay thank you, Mom, I got another dress in my bag. I ran outside of the car and ran into the school and looked around for the girl's bathroom. I run into a bathroom and when I got in it kind of looked weird and different I looked at the flouting stuff. When I go into a stall and change I hear boy's voice's I was confused then I realized that. I was in the boy's bathroom. I quickly changed and waited until the boys got out then 1 more came inside the bathroom and they were just talking and having fun while I was stressing out that I was in the boy's bathroom. But the voice sounded familiar. Hey, the guy's I seen cute girls and one was interested in you Jake. Really?!? Me? Yea didn't I just said your name, didn't I? Yeah, you said my name! I got to go Miguel I have some girls to check out they may be really cute! Okay, Jake well nice talking to you in the- well he left quickly didn't he. Well yeah, but there is no cute girl's only the same girl's the twins. I wonder how that is gonna go. They both laugh like what they did was nice. So Levi what are you doing? Oh, I was just seeing what was happening inside the bathroom and I wanted to bother Jake. Oh understandable but I do have a date out there I have to go, dude. Nice Miguel well has fun. Will do. He walks out as normal as possible. Levi walk's to the flouting thingy's I was confused about what they were still until I heard peeing. I tried not to move. He finally left so I came out. Ew, he is nasty he didn't wash his hands. When I was trying to leave he came back in.. Uh- why are you in here? Well, I was just, um. I am cleaning the bathroom! Oh nice but no you aren't. Huh, how are you gonna tell me? Well, I am gonna tell you in English because it's the only language I know, also my father never said you were helping. Crap! I forgot your dad is the vice-principal. I can see that you forgot, he says being smart and looking at my dress. Weren't you wearing a different dress when you were staring at me? Uh- first of all, I wasn't staring and second of all yes I was but I really need to leave this bathroom. Oh yeah here you go but I want a dance. With me, Why? Well, I don't have a date. I started laughing because I thought Levi was joking. Oh, you weren't joking. Nope, so want to have this dance, or do you want my father to find out about this? I would dance with you as long as you won't tell or do anything weird or funny. I guess, so should we bust up are move's on the dance floor? We will bust up are move's like nobody is watching. We leave the bathroom and go to the dance floor and just start having fun and laughing like nobody was watching even when his ex-girlfriend was watching up and not liking our moves. Soonly the slow dance started. So do you want to? Nope, I do not want to do this nasty, pregnant, baby, dance. Wow chill down I was just gonna say you wanna dance. I know that and I am trying to tell you what happens when people slow dance. Only simple facts. You are something, this must be why you don't have a boyfriend. No, it is not, I just don't want to have a boyfriend. Sure, or do you not have one since nobody asked to be your boyfriend. Well, both. But that doesn't state the fact that I don't want a boyfriend I guess you don't want a kiss either. I don't I was to go home and-. Stare at me from your window. NO! Everybody look's at me I run away from the crowd outside. Why, couldn't he dance with somebody else? Why couldn't he see me in the bathroom? Why couldn't he see me stare at him? Out of nowhere, he says, Why couldn't I see how much fun you are. What do you want Levi? I just want to be friends. You do know friends don't ask deep question's like that. I'm guessing you don't have friends. I don't answer. So I guess I am right you don't, well I could be your first friend. I stand up and walk to him. I don't want your friendship I am perfectly fine on my own I don't need you I don't need friend's, I just need my mother. Well, I could be your father. Do you know how dumb you sound? Yeah, I kind of do but I was hoping that you would laugh instead of saying "Do you know how dumb you sound". I am just this way. I sigh. I am just weird, I say that and turn around and look at the stars. Well, that is good since I like weird, a matter a fact I love weird. I turn around. You like weird huh. I said, "I love weird". Good since I have a lot of weird. I walk closer to him and look into his eyes. I say slowly and calmly, I will show you weird. I get closer. After he looks at me soon after he close's his eyes opening his mouth trying to give me a kiss, So I grab a mint out of my purse and put it in his mouth. Yikes child you breath stinks, I say giggling. You really thought I was gonna kiss you? Well, I was hoping you would. I could see that, but nope I barely know you. I know but you can't say you didn't feel a spark like from those romance movies. Wow, you watch romance. Uh- what? Did I say romance? I meant sex scenes! Bruh, you don't have to act all cool near me since well you are my friend and I want to know the real you not the boring you. Well sorry, you are gonna see a lot boring being my friend well I guess I am ready for it. My mother honk's the car and I turn around fast. Michelle hurry I want to eat all of these cookies! I see that that is your drive "Michelle". Well, it is "Levi". See you at school I say as I run to the car and sit inside my mother look's at me. What? So you and the guy you were staring at? No not like that and please drive he is staring. She starts the car from parking and drive's away. There are you happy now? Yes, mom very happy now. So did you kiss, heck no? Well, I guess if you aren't gonna tell me the good stuff I have to participate in your next school dance. No! MOM! There was nothing and that is all! I guess you wouldn't lie to your mother who made you. And you are right. I turn the radio up and singing the song we always play and when we arrive at the house I unlock the door with the key under the rug and run to my bedroom to write all the lovely thing's that happened tonight and a few minutes later I see Levi next door with his curtain's open like always changing and soon as I saw that I had changed into my sleeping clothes inside my closet so he won't see me change and then kept writing in my book side eye's him changing his clothes' after a while he was looking at me but after a while when I was laying down I fell asleep. And I dreamed about us kissing and how I really wanted to be like in my fantasies.

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