Chapter 2 - The New Kid

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The alarm ring's at 7:30. Ugh! Leave your alarm! I hit the alarm with my hand making it landside ways onto the floor. I try to fall back asleep but my mother comes inside the bedroom. Hey~ Michelle! You know what time it is, yeah! You know what time it is, yeah! Mom I am trying to get rest for school and you are ruining it because you are trying to make me wake up mother. Well, you should've been gotten your rest when it was time to go to sleep and so that means you have to wake up right now Michelle. I sit up about to talk, Mom did you plan that? Maybe but it doesn't matter, she hides her face as she is talking so I won't find out if she is lying. Okay Mom I will wake up and you should probably go and leave so I can feel more comfortable getting dressed. Fine I guess, she says that as she walks away. I stand up and walk to my closet as I look for clothes for today but instead I find a poster of Riverdale. Wow! I haven't seen this poster in 2 days, it has been too long. But why is it in my closet? I quickly as I think about the poster while thinking about what clothes I will wear for school. Michelle, what is taking you forever to get dressed? Mother I am trying to look perfect that is all. Oh okay well hurry up and look perfect. Will do. I quickly find my clothes and put it on forgetting that I had to get wash even though I really wanted to see Levi from yesterday so I run downstairs quickly so I could eat breakfast. Hey Mom what did you make? I made pancakes and waffles. Why they are kind of the same thing what is the difference? The difference is that you can have pancakes. I cut her off and say waffles. Okay, I guess you can have waffles and I can have pancakes, what is the problem with pancakes any way's that you don't want it so much? They aren't that good that is why I don't want them I rather have waffles. Fine, that wasn't good enough but you can have the waffles okay. She hand's me the waffles. Okay, Mom can we eat as we go to my school? Uh- you are never this happy about school. Well, I have thing's to do and those things will help me get married. So there is a boy you like. Mom doesn't make a big deal let's just get to school because I have thing's to do today. Fine, let's go. Yay, thank you Mom you are the best. Yeah, yeah I know I am. Ugh, do you have to be so extra? Do you want to get to school or talk to me? Neverminded let's go! Figured you would say that. We walk to the car right when we get in the look's at me when she looked at the wheel with her hand's on the paddle she starts driving, I turn music on and start dancing as eating my waffles. Finally, we are here, thank you, Mom. I kiss her cheek but right when I was trying to leave the car then she grabs me and give's me a hug. Mom I am outside my school of middle schooler's please don't embarrass me. Why can't I hug you? There you got your hug, I push her away and run into the building. Michelle Winer, please do not run inside the building this is an inside place not an outside place so you don't run. Okay, okay I understood when you told me not to run you didn't need to say all that Josh Kilmer. Fine I get it now but don't say my name out here I don't need everybody in the building knowing my name you are the only kid from first grade who knows my name, got it? Yeah, I got it but don't say my name though okay? Okay. I walked away but when I got out of his sight I ran straight into class. Michelle no running in the hall's didn't Josh tell you not to run inside of class? Yeah, he did. So why are you still running in class? Well, I only did it so you don't mark me absent. And why is that? The bell rings. Because of that. Right after I walk to my seat proudly like I defeated a big monster with my bare hands. So everybody I want to welcome a kid who transfers classes today since his father is the vice-principal and he wanted to change classes here he is. The boy walk's into the class and my eyes go wide but my feet down from my desk then I sated down like a woman. Everybody this is Levi. The whole class say's Hello Levi, but me since I was still shocked. But out of nowhere, Levi says to me. Hello Michelle, like the glossy anime boy named Todoroki from My Hero Academia. But instead, he didn't put his hand out. Uh- Hi? Mr. Marshall, please take your seat. Okay, I will. The best thing about that is that he had sat 2 rows away from my desk. Wait for students we have another student who had a transfer from another school he was late but that shouldn't be a problem. Everybody say hello to Jax. He walks in as Ms. Louis says his name. And so the whole entire class say's his name. But I did see how Valarie's eyes were looking at him, liked she loved him. Jax, please sit down right behind the girl with the black and white glasses. Oh okay, but there are a few girls with black and white classes. Oh sorry, the one with lock's, so she whispers inside his ear. And colored skin. Oh okay! I can read lips so knew what she had said but I really didn't care since this is how my skin is and I can't change it so I have to live with it. He sits down behind me. Okay, class no more surprises there are no more new classmates but it is almost lunch. Everybody makes it to lunch in one peace since the principal says lines are boring and very crowding yawl, so can walk to the lunch by yourself. The whole class didn't care what are teacher was saying so when she said lunch the whole class had already left so that was leading her to talk to herself. Ugh, these kids don't listen. So when we made it to the cafeteria everybody was sitting in pairs. To the cool kid's who had tattoos and nose rings to the football kids who had made it into champion's last week. And then there is the drama place where I would usually sit at but too bored of hearing them talk so I usually I would sit next to the fake bushes and eat my food by myself. But something felt wrong with sitting by me but anyway's I walked to there anyway's and sat down but when I looked up there was Jax the new kid to the school. And it seemed normal for him to sit with me since he wasn't in any clubs at least I think. Hello! My name is Jax what is your name and if you don't mind can I sit with you? Um... My name is Michelle and I don't mind you may sit. He sits down and starts eating his food. For a little bit, I just watch him but after a while, I eat my food. Michelle, why do you wear glasses? Oh well, I have to use them to read. Why do you wear them all the time then? Well only because everywhere I do I have to read something. Oh, understandable. Are people mean here Michelle? Why do you sound like a 5 year old scared of life? Well, it is because I transferred schools because I used to get bullied for wearing glasses. Then where is your glass, I would very much want to see how cool they are. I say smiling and glad. Approaching females came forward to us. Hey Michelle! Uh- hey Valarie. Don't be like that bestie. We aren't bestie's matter of fact last time I check I don't have any besties. So Jax do you see how boring she is why won't you sit with me and the cheerleaders. Um.. why? What do you mean "why", I want to sit with you and you don't want to you want to sit with the school freak who doesn't have any friends. Well, I like freak's they are kind of school and they are always so cool. Jax, you wish I was cool you don't know me she is right you should sit with them what is them, I say trying not to punch Valarie for calling me a freak. Yeah you are too cute to be with the nasty overload freak she doesn't even have a boyfriend and nobody like's her. At that moment I got really made and punched her in her face. SHUT UP, I CAN TAKE FREAK BUT SHUT THE FUCK UP HOE! The whole entire cafeteria looked at me even Levi I was so embarrassed, my anger issues happened again. Shut up freak you can curse all you want but you will forever be a freak like your buddy and the boyfriend you will never have. Maybe if you kept a boyfriend who hasn't cheated on you. You would understand that people don't care about relationships even if they are real or fake. As if everybody wants a girlfriend or boyfriend, but like the freak, you are you will never get one. If I want a boyfriend I can get one but I don't want one I just want to be free. So you are saying that somebody would like you? As if who in this café like's you? I look away from her. Maybe you wouldn't have a whole bunch of fake friends if people like you. BITCH! She punches me and I punch her back in her jaw. Out of nowhere, Levi grabs my hand's from laying another hit on her. COME OVER HERE IF YOU WANT SOME I DONT NEED MY HANDS TO FIGHT YOU! Jax comes over and cover's my mouth with his hand and whispers. Don't do something you will regret. Out of nowhere, I calm down. Valarie comes over to me after her cheerleader friends let her go and she puts her hand up as she was gonna punch me so I kicked her with my leg landing her on the floor with a bloody nose. Bitch what? Levi walk's me outside the café right when he closes the door he tells me. Michelle calms down. Why, why should I, she keep mentioning how I don't have a boyfriend and that nobody like's me and all that bull. Why does that bother you so much? Well because the night of the dance I thought there was something but you never even talked to me today. Well, that was because that was a moment and I did talk to you I said hi to you this morning. I thought that was in my mind. So you do like me. No, I don't I just thought today would be different. Well, I have to take you to the office. No, you don't just let go of my hand's and I can walk there by myself. But I want to walk you there. Fine, but if anybody says we are dating that is not my fault. I won't mind it isn't a big deal with me. We walk to the office and he tells his father what has happened. I am sorry Michelle but you can not be here today or the next day. Okay, I understand that. You may leave my office both of you, but Michelle your mother is here. Okay. We walk out of the office. We guess this is bye for now. I guess so. Also because you didn't get that kiss you wanted, I kiss his cheek and I could tell that his face was more heated than before. There you go. Hehe, I ain't washing this part of my face. You do know that sound's nasty, right? Well bye Levi, also tell Jax that I can't stay. I will bye! I walk into the car and my mother drives away leaving Levi all alone. When I got home my mother didn't yell she understood and everything, so I walked into my bedroom and thought about Levi and fell asleep. Until the next morning.

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