The Cazenovia Reaper

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The cold autumn whipped around me as I walked around the dense forest, rust orange, muted yellow, and burgundy red leaves covered the ground, crackling and crunching under my sneakers as I walked. I looked around as leaves fell like raindrops from the mostly bare oak and maple trees that surrounded me, the sunset in the distance shrouded the forest in a dim, calming orange glow, which calmed me down from hearing the alarming news on TV. I was hoping that whatever was happening would stop and that killer that appeared on TV would disappear when I returned to my rural Cazenovia, New York home, the details of the killer running through my mind as I walked: messy, shoulder-length brown hair, piercing, yet insane-looking blue-gray eyes, those lips that always seemed to be curled down into a frown, those arched eyebrows that made him always look enraged, and that nose that looked like it had been broken one too many times. I had forgotten his name, but his alias was trapped in my mind like a caged animal wanting to be let out: The Cazenovia Reaper.

After I ran that name through my mind, I heard crunching leaves behind me, I got nervous and started to pick up the pace a bit, hoping it was some wild animal that was behind me. Before I knew it, I was running past nearly bare trees and falling leaves, the steps behind me going from a slow walking pace to a fast running pace, whoever this was wanted to catch up to me, probably to kill me.

"Come back here!" I heard a raspy, obviously angered voice shout out from behind me and I immediately knew that whoever was behind me was indeed human and not a wild animal. That voice was what triggered something in my mind and I wondered, "Am I being chased by The Cazenovia Reaper?" and that made me panic badly. I was closing in on the edge of the forest, night had finally come, the moon shone faintly in the night sky, the stars twinkling with every running step I took. I finally made it out of the forest and I turned around to look behind me and there he was, The Cazenovia Reaper, standing right in front of me, angry as ever. I stepped back, ready to run if he dared to run at me and try to kill me.

He lunged at me and I ran, immediately looking around to see if my house was nearby, hoping the killer wouldn't follow me back to my home. I found my home and thought to myself, "Finally! My home and my safe haven." I ran to my house's door and tried opening it, the wooden door finally opened with a loud creak and I ran inside, closing the door and locking it behind me, making sure the killer wouldn't come in. When I knew I was safe, I shakily walked to my couch and sat down, finally happy to rest. I closed my eyes and I soon fell asleep, hoping tomorrow would be better than what had happened tonight.

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