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We all go back to Elena's house, I'm the last to go in, as I have to wait for Elena to invite me in. Alaric has pulled a bag of stakes and vervain out.

"Take one," He says handing each of us a stake, He and Elena took Vervain grenades'.

"What now?" I ask as there's a knock at the door.

"Elena," Damon says nodding to let her open the door,

"Tyler?" Elena says opening the door, "Come on in,"

"Wait, who invited Klaus's hybrid bitch," Damon starts.

"Hybrid what?" I say confused

"Hybrid half werewolf half vampire, all sired to the greatest bitch of all," Damon says chuckling.

"Sired?" I asks slightly embarrassed

"He really knows nothing," Damon says sighing, Alaric chuckles.

"Come here ill explain it to you," Alaric says "Just quickly, we don't have a lot of time before Klaus tracks us down,"

Alaric gives me a quick recap on everything catching me up to speed.

"A cure?" I say astonished "Wow,"

"Yeah we got to gear up, Make a plan," Alaric says.

"What we got," A young man says from behind, he also smells good "Jeremy, Gilbert,"

"Um Benjamin, Benjamin Salvatore," I say

"As in like Salvatore Salvatore?" Jeremy asks

"Um I guess?" I say chuckling

"Cool," Jeremy says.

"Alaric what's the plan," Elena asks

"I say we stab the son of a bitch with the white oak stake," Damon says pulling out one of the only white oak stakes out of his jacket pocket.

"White oak huh," I mumble "Cool,"

"Me and big bro here can catch him and stab him easy-peasy," Damon says

"Well isn't he half werewolf? so like if we get bit we slowly die in like a fever dream sorta state in like well, pain," I say

"Yeah but we have this," Alaric takes a small bottle of blood "Klaus's blood, the only thing that cures a werewolf bite,"

"Cool," I say

"So here's the plan," as soon as Alaric starts there's a loud clash coming from the front door.

"Hmm you thought you could just knock me out with your little concoction and it would work huh," Klaus yells as he throws a rock through the window "Now, Just invite me in,"

"Get dow and stay down," Alaric says. He walks towards the door "You want to attack somone come after me,"

"You guys are crazy, I-" I say as I stand up, a stake pierces through my chest grazing my heart "Oh Fuck," I mumble as teh colour drains from my skin.

"Shit, Benny?" I hear Damon grumble.

"I'm ok," I mumble chuckling slightly.

"Klaus what do you want," Alaric says.

"I want you to leave me alone, Don't interfere and DON'T KNOCK ME OUT AGAIN," Klaus says the last part of his sentence booming through the house, it shudders.

I close my eyes. Fuck a piece of wood is pressing on my heart. I groan.

I hear a pair of footsteps walking up to Klaus. Mayby it's Elijah.

"Brother To what do I owe this pleasure," Klaus retorts.

"Please Klaus enough with the killing," Elijah says.

I can hear Klaus sigh and roll his eyes. I feel somone shake me awake and I'm greeted with warm blood at my lips. Some colour comes back to my skin. I stop listening to Klaus and Elijah's bickering and focus on the feeling of somone digging their hand into my chest. I feel their fingers graze my heart they pull the small piece of wood out along with the large stake and I bounce back.

"Thank you," I turn around to see who dug out the stake, Stefan "Thanks dude,"

"You owe me," He chuckles.

"Let's get out of here," Damon says

"Where are we going?" I ask rubbing the now closed entry point of the stake.

"Follow me," Damon says.

We leave the house while Klaus is distracted by Elijah. We drive of in Damon's car. We drive for a while. I don't know how long and I don't know where.

We end up outside Whitmore College. It feels familiar, but I can't place the memory.

"Come on let's get inside,"  Alaric says, he leads us into an empty lecture hall "We need a plan, a good plan,"

"Benny, You seem to be all," Damon pauses for a moment "Friendly with Elijah, old friends?"

"He turned me, so I guess so, I could call him an acquaintance," I say, as I look around the room. I suddenly feel a sense of familiarity, oh shit, I've been here before.

This is where I came across Enzo again, it was a part of my life that I don't wish to remember. I was an Augustine Vampire.

"Yo Benny you in there," Damon asks as he taps my shoulder.

I realise that I've sat down and have an empty look in my eye.

"Yes, uh yes I'm ok, what's the plan?" I ask quickly.

Damon doesn't seem convinced but he brushes it off.

"We track down this witch, We have to ask Elijah if he has something of hers so Bonnie can do a tracking spell,"  Alaric say.

"Well if she's a powerful witch she would have a cloaking spell, you wouldn't be able to track her," I interject

"Well we have Bonnie," Damon says "She's a Bennet,"

I've heard of the Bennet witches before, but never met one and I've met alot of witches,

"A Bennet should be able to track her," I say "I'll ask Elijah if he has anything of hers,"

"Ok let's do this," Alaric says.

"What about Klaus?" I ask

"You stick with Elijah Benny, We'll keep Klaus of your and Bonnies tail," Damon says.

He gives Alaric a nod, and Alaric nods back, they have a plan.

A.N Yalll omg, sorry for such a long wait for this chapter, I lose interest in projects so easily, sorry, I also swamped with schoolwork at the moment. Hope you enjoy it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2021 ⏰

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