Don't stop them now

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Okay, so I decided I'm gonna publish here some of my works 'cause yeah why not.

I'm gonna start with this hp next gen one-shot, which is not the best I have, and I think I could do it a lot better, but it was the first Harry Potter related thing I've ever written, back in March, and I like to post as the first chapter 'cause it's where all started. Please, don't hesitate to correct all the mistakes you'll find (I'm sure there will be a lot) and enjoy?

(Also, I want to add that I haven't changed a thing from what I originally wrote in March, so maybe my now writing style it's not the same? Idk)

Aaand I want to dedicate the thing (that's how I'm gonna call it) to EnterUsernameHere394 because honestly, you are such an amazing person and I love you! (and our karaoke moments XD) And there's a thing in this thing (it's actually the whole thing) that made me think of you... Have you guessed it? Hehe :)

-Next gen (try not to get confused with all the characters, if it's possible... and if you can't, just ask me who they are and I'll tell you)
-There's not gonna be ships (sorry?)
-Also do I have to say that I don't own Harry Potter? Or is it obvious?


It was a normal dinner at Hogwarts. Students were sitting, eating, chatting and complaining about the soon coming exams.

At the Slytherin table, Albus Potter and Scorpius Malfoy were having an interesting conversation about a special girl called Rose Granger-Weasley. This girl was sitting at the Gryffindor table, chatting animatedly with her cousin Dominique Weasley. Next to her were sitting Hugo Granger-Weasley and Lily Potter, both cousins and fans of Quidditch, the main theme of their going on discussion. Still at the Gryffindor table, there were the sisters Lucy and Molly Weasley, talking about exams. Roxanne Weasley was stuck between Louis Weasley and her twin Freddie Weasley, who was happily arguing about the band 'The Queen' with James Potter.

If some random Hogwarts' students saw all those cousins, happily talking, they would probably think "What a lovely family, all eating in calm together".

If you think that is right, you are wrong. If there's one word that could never, ever be used to describe the Potter-Weasley clan, that word is calm.

One could almost always associate Albus and Scorpius with calm. Rose, Hugo, Lily, Lucy and Molly were also usually out of the mess. Dominique, Roxy and Louis were sometimes involved with the pranks, but the true troublemaker stars were James Potter and Freddie Weasley.

James Sirius Potter was Lily and Albus' older brother, so they were usually the pranked ones. He was normally told he was like his grandfather, the first James Potter, and his best friend and god-grandfather, Sirius Black. James was a Quidditch chaser in the Gryffindor team and loved playing pranks with his partner in crime Freddie.

Fred Weasley the Second was Roxanne's twin brother, but, unlike James and his brothers, he didn't prank her. They always said it was because if they pranked her, when in need, she wouldn't help him, but it actually was because she also knew how to prank back. Fred was usually called Freddie, to distinguish him from his dead uncle. Just like James with his grandfather, Fred too was told he was like Fred Weasley the First, and he was proud of it.

The two of them were inseparable and dangerous together, but when you saw them in their happy argument about the best music group ever, one could easily think nothing dangerous was going to happen.

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