Astronomy philosophy

52 17 44

There goes my first jily one-shot :) Enjoy and correct all my mistakes! (Cause my lazy self doesn't want to bother reading it a last time before publishing it :))

Also, idk whow to do the dedicate thing, but Imma dedicate it to miasampsoncat cause I love talking to you and I hope you get that confidence to publish something, cuz I am now curious about you idea XD <33


-Seventh year
-James' parents are in the Hospital, with Dragon Pox (they're still alive don't worry).
-James and Lily are dating


It was two in the morning, but James couldn't sleep. He was lying on his bed, thinking about the sense of life.

He thought about his parents, who were near to end their lives. He thought it wasn't fair. Fleamont and Euphemia were older than the other parents, that was true, but they were still in perfect conditions to live, if this stupid Dragon Pox hadn't touched them. It wasn't fair. They could have gone to France that summer, they could have gone to the party Sirius wanted to throw to celebrate his 17 and a half birthday ("every excuse is good to have a party ", he had said), they could have fighted the Death Eaters one thousand times more until they defeated them, they could have played this Exploding Snap match they all had pendent to play since James was six years old, they could have done a thousand things more, but instead there they were, lying on a hospital bed, waiting for death to knock on their door, knowing there was nothing that could help keep them alive.

But then he felt a bit selfish. He wanted his parents to live forever, but he knew people died everyday. People who hadn't done anything wrong, who just had had the bad luck to be in the wrong place in the wrong moment. People who had lives to live, places to go, people to meet, songs to sing, books to read and naps to sleep, but they died before they could do all that life had prepared for them. And maybe that people had friends, had a mother, a father, a kid, a cousin, a someone that loved them, and that didn't want them to die. And these friends, this mother, this father, this kid, this someone, would have wished that they stayed alive, that they could be there to love them, that they could be with them, alive, breathing and laughing, living their lives, they wished that they could have saved them. But they couldn't.

He thought that all these people, who had lost a loved one, had passed for the same as him, and maybe they had felt a bit selfish, maybe they hadn't been able to sleep at two o'clock in the morning. Maybe they had wished they could have said to their loved ones that they loved them before they died.

But he could! He, James Potter, could tell his parents he loved them, because they weren't dead! They were still alive, trying to fight against the Dragon Pox that dominated them, sure, but they were still alive, able to read what James wanted to tell them.

He quickly got up and ran downstairs to his desk. He pulled out a piece of parchment and started to write.

Dear Mom and Dad, he wrote.

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