Chapter 5

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Dabi POV

I wake up soaking wet and I hear someone coughing, I look over and se Tomura coughing up water
"Toumura" I jump up and hug him "are you okay?"
"Yes I'm perfectly fine"
"What happened?"
"I followed you down here and Endeavor lost track of us" I rub his back and hear quiet sobs
"I thought I lost you" he says through sobs
"It's okay, I'm okay" I pull him closer towards me "I'm here, don't worry" He pulls back and looks at me, cupping my face in his hands I had never realized how much I wanted to kiss him I leaned in, slowly closing the distance between us but before our lips could touch, I heard someone yell
"Endevor! They're down here" without a minute to spare, Tomura grabbed me and we started running

We ran as far as we could before pausing to catch our breath
"We can't go right back to the base" Toumura said between gasps
"I have a place" I said
"You do?" He looks up at me confused, I nod and grab his wrist

After a long walk we come to an alley with a small setup, a torn apart tent covers the area, stuck to the wall by burning small peices of metal to the tent and to the wall, there's a pile of blankets that serve as a bed as well as some boxes of random stuff
"What is this place"
"This was my home" I respond, leading him into the setup as the rain picks up
"You lived here?"
"Yup" I gesture towards the makeshift bed "sit" he does so. I dig through one of the boxes and hand him a towel
"Dry off, we're okay here" I pull off my shoes and set them off to the side, he does the same I sit down next to him as he starts drying his hair, I grab a pack from the side of the bed and offer him a cigarette, he takes one and I light both of our cigarettes. I peel off my shirt and socks and hang them up on the other side of the area to dry

Shigaraki POV

He's shirtless
In front of me
Sure, I've Imagined Touya shirtless but it's so different when it's actually happening
"Take off your shirt too" he looks down at me
"Do what?"
"Take off your shirt" he opens a box "and your bandages, we can't have you catching a cold"
I'm a bit stunned but I oblige, peeling off my shirt and bandages before immediately regretting it and covering my upper body
"What's wrong?" Touya inquires, hanging up my shirt
"I'm... just a bit self conscious" I say, shyly shrinking into the towel, Touya walks over and sits down in front of me, holding what looks like bandages and a shirt, he reaches out
"Can I have your arm?"
I hesitantly hold out my arm, he takes it and starts wrapping my arm in bandages, he pauses at the burn around my wrist
"I'm sorry" he whispers
"For what? It's Endeavor that did that, it's not your fault" Touya smiles
"You can say that all you want, it won't change the truth" I grab his chin and lift his face to look at me
"Everything your dad does is horrible, your not responsible for any of it" I look him in the eyes but it's going in one ear and out the other as a soft blush appears on his cheeks, his eyes are darting between my eyes and my lips

I remember the feeling of his breath on my lips only minutes before and I blush too, releasing his face and looking away quickly

After we're both dried off and I'm bandaged up he hands me a shirt
"It's getting cold" he says, slipping one on himself, I take the shirt and put it on
"Alright, you use the 'bed'" he says
"What? Where will you sleep?"
"The ground"
"On the concrete?"
"No, that's not happening"
"Well, the only other option is that we share the bed"
"We've slept in the same bed before" he rubbed his temple
"Are you sure?" He looked at me
"Yes, I'm sure"
"Fine" he gestured towards the bed "after you" I smiled at my victory in the small argument and climbed into the makeshift bed, a few seconds later, Touya climbed into the bed next to me

I was facing away from him and after a few minutes, Touya touched my waist lightly, I interpreted this as him requesting if he could get closer, I responded by scooting a bit closer to him, he wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him
I feel a blush rise to my face as I am  engulfed in his warmth and start to fall into unconsciousness

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