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Third person's pov
As y/n sits in her seat paying attention to the teacher for while, and playing with her pencil, she could see multiple envelopes in her desk, some of them where inventions to a gamble. Half of them where just love letters.

Y/n has always been confessed to many people boys and girls, but she would always reject them, as she never believed in love, its probably because she never loved someone back.

She was beautiful and gorgeous, every part of her body was beautiful and magical, it was like god decided to make the perfect girl in the world, y/n always wishes to love someone but it just never made her heart flutter when someone confesses to her.

Fiddling with her pencil, the bell had rung, giving the students a chance to gamble or just work on their homework, but the time is mostly wasted on gambling.

When y/n got up from her seat, she was met with one of her friends, Yumeko Jabami, one of the hottest but maniac girl who desires gambling. Mary Saotome, a blonde girl who lost to Yumeko by 8.8 million yen, but then won by gambling Jun, of course with the help of Yumeko.

R*yota Suzui, a brown haired boy who just stands there, and follows peoples order, even if he's not a housepet anymore, he would still be command to do something.

The three friends all gather around in y/n's table, while Yumeko being the clingy person she is, she gripped onto y/n's arm, y/n wouldn't get flustered or anything, to her its like its normal, like she does it everyday. But Yumeko actually does this everyday.

Since there was a little break time, a whole lot of students had already been gambling, but y/n would rather not get involved in this, she was already bored, despise the fact that she almost gambled everyone.

Four of the friends had left the classroom and walked down the hallways, Yumeko still clinging onto y/n's arm. Y/n could feel someone stalking her, she could feel and see a pair of blue eyes stare at her.

But she let it slide for now. When they got to there secret place where they usually hang out and talk, they all sat down and took out there lunches, the only people who knew about the place was Itsuki, Mary, Yumeko, Ryota, and of course you.

They chatted for a while talking about random stuff, then Itsuki appeared out of nowhere she sat with you guys and joined the conversation. Yumeko was done eating and put her head on your shoulder, you patted her head.

When you all heard the bell ring, singling the students to go to there class, the rest of you got up and headed to their classes, you and Yumeko had the same class so you would walk together.

People would always look at you, they would always think that your dating Yumeko, due to her always clinging onto you and holding your hand. But it was pretty normal to you.

What you didn't know was that Yumeko had a crush on you, the way you walked in the school campus and the way you gamble, everything about you just made Yumeko want you all to herself.

When you where walking with Yumeko to class, you still felt like someone was watching you, it felt like they where giving you a death glare,"If yumeko kisses y/n I will destroy her" it kind of felt like that.

When the both of you arrived at class, you sat down in your seat and Yumeko at her seat, the teacher then came in and began the lesson. You weren't that interested in the lesson right now, so you just looked at the window.

It was pretty cloudy, it looked like it was going to rain today. When the teacher was in the middle of the lesson, they heard a knock at the door, causing all the students in the classroom to look at the person who was at the door.

It was Sayaka Igarshi, the student councils secretary.

Sayaka: Sorry to interrupt, but may I borrow y/n? The President needs her.

Teacher: Yea sure, ill get her right now. Y/n!

Y/n: Comin.

Y/n got out of her seat and headed towards the secretary, Sayaka bowed to the teacher, showing him a thank you.

The two of them just walked in silence, wasn't long until they reached to the student council, she opened the door for y/n and closed it, Sayaka just waited outside of the door.

There was Kirari the president of Hyakkou Academy, sitting in her glorious chair, her eyes where only at her aquarium, then back to y/n, she gave a little smirk.

Y/n went to one of the chairs and sat down.

Y/n: So what did you wanted miss president?

Kirari: You caught my eye y/n, the way you gamble,the way you catch people cheating with a blink of an eye.

Y/n: Thank you very much, but why did you call me?

Kirari: I called you to inform you if you wanted to join the student council?

She got up from her seat and went to her aquarium, she put her hand on the glass, where there where tons of fish swimming around.

Y/n: Thanks for the request, but I'm going to have to decline. I am truly sorry.

Kirari: Hmm, and why don't you want to join? Other people will mostly just accept my request, what's keeping you from not joining?

Y/n: Look, I just don't want to join ok? I'm really not interested in your council dutys.

Kirari: Hmm we do have choices I guess.

She walked over to the girl, and moved the chair to face her, she put in her knee inside of y/n's thighs, and lifted up her chin, causing y/n's back to arch a little, sweat started to form on y/n's forehead.

Kirari then moved her head towards her ear.

Kirari: I'm giving you 3 weeks to make up your mind ok? I really want you in the student council.

You can hear her breathing, as you two where very close to each other, that you can almost kiss her, she gave you a little peck on the nose and removed her hands from your chin, and her knee from your thighs.

You just sat there starting to feel your face to heat up. It was very unusual for you to feel like this, as you never experience this kind of stuff with a man or a woman.

You got up from your chair and bowed to her, you then where about to reach the doorknob when all of a sudden you heard Kirari's voice say something.

Kirari: Oh and you can call me Kirari dear, just Kirari not president ok?

Y/n: huh, oh yea sure.

Again you reached for the doorknob and opened the door, there aside you saw Sayaka just standing there, you waved her a little goodbye, but she did not wave back but gave you a little smile, she then headed back inside the council.

You head back to your class and sat in your seat, and looked at the window like usual 'so 3 weeks huh' you thought to yourself, well ill think about it I guess.

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