Cheater Weiss x Fem!Reader

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It all started mid October, the 18th to be exact. I decided to fall in love with the ice queen.

[Flashback your pov]

I rush around the corner late for class and collide with a fellow student. After I shake off my daze and get up I start apologizing immediately.

Me: I'm so sorry. It's just that I'm so late, and I wasnt looking where I was going and-

I got cut off. She smiles and says.

???: It's no problem. A little help.

She holds out her hand.

Me: oh I am so sorry again.

I pull her up and got a good look at her she was beautiful. I've never seen anyone like her. I immediately start blushing when I realized I was still holding her hand and let go. I start to regain my cool. I clear my throat.

Me: Well my apologies. Oh and the names (y/n), (y/n) (l/n)

Weiss: Well miss (y/n) pleasure to meet you. I'm Weiss Schnee.

Me: Nah the pleasures all mine. Well I'll be off I'm already late for class. I hope we can hang out some time.

Weiss: Me aswell.

We both go our separate ways.

[Flashback end]

Then 5 months later I finally grew the balls to ask.

[Flash back your pov]


I yell across the room to her. She looks at me and smiles. She starts walking towards me and with each step I get more and more nervous.

Me: (whisper yelling) I CANT DO THIS. ABORT! ABORT!

My teammate Alex starts holding me in place.

Alex: Nope you are asking her no if and or buts.

Me: (whisper yelling) TRAITOR

She gets to us and I instantly started blushing and stammering.

Me: Oh hi Weiss come here often.

Weiss: Of course this is my dorm dunce.

Me: well uh I wanted to ask you something but I'm super nervous.

Weiss raises a brow.

Weiss: Hmm what is it? I've never seen you so nervous.


Weiss: Of course dummy I was waiting for you to as-

I kiss her and run away.

[Third pov]

As you can be seen sprinting out of RWBY's dorm there is a big obvious grin on Weiss's face. Never before were either so happy.

[Flashback end]

But that all changed.

[Flashback your pov]

Its mine and Weiss's 2nd anniversary. Two years I can hardly believe it. She has been a bit quite and distracted recently. Like she's waiting. And I've heard that shes been hanging with a guy an awful lot. But I was never worried she said she was gay like me. Or so I thought until I walked to her room and heard some moaning and other noises. It sounded like Weiss's moans. I bust open the door and I see a blue haired guy and Weiss making out... NAKED. I immediately start crying. Weiss sees me.

Weiss: wait I can exp-

I threw her anniversary gift at her slammed the door and ran. Out of beacon and into vale.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2020 ⏰

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