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Issei Hyoudou was sitting in class, being completely ignored by all of his classmates, taking notes on what the teacher was saying, and trying to focus on the lesson. His eyes shook as the words being wrote oth the chalkboard started to blur together, but issei shook his head and continued writing.

Issei didn't hate his poetry class, it just wasn't his favorite.

"Alright class," the teacher announced. "Class is almost over, so I'm going to tell you what the only assignment for this week is."

The rest of the class cheered, but Issei simply got out his phone and prepared to type in a reminder.

"Your assignment is to write a poem about an experience you have in your daily life. I don't care about the context or the type of poem, but it needs to at least be 150 words."

The rest of Issei's class groaned as he continued to put the information into his phone. Unfortunately, the teacher finally noticed him.

"Issei!" She called, causing him to look up and all eyes to be on him. "Since you're typing away at that phone so much, why don't you come up here and read out what you've typed?"

Issei sighed, walked up, and showed the teacher his phone. "I'm just setting a reminder for the assignment, ma'am."

The teacher looked at his phone, and saw he wasn't lying.

"When is this assignment due?" Issei asked.

"One week from now."

The class groaned, realizing that Issei would not be getting embarrassed in from of everyone. Issei walked back to his seat as he typed in the due date, and grabbed his bag, electing not to sit down, as the bell was going to ring in about five seconds.


Issei immediately walked past everyone and out into the hall, trying to get out of the school before he was found by -


... Matsuda.

Issei reluctantly turned around. "Hey man, sorry, but I gotta get home. I have a ton of homework to do."

"Nah," Motahama said casually. "It can wait, we got something we need you to do."

Issei hesitantly asked, "What do you want?"

Motahama grinned. "We want you to sneak into the changing rooms for the soccer team and hide in the lockers to take pictures of them!"

Issei blanched. "I can't do that! If I don't do this math homework, I'm going to fail!"

"So?" Matsuda asked. "Who cares if we fail, as long as we get all the chicks, right?"

Issei shook his head. "Guys, if I fail, my mom might kick me out of the house. I'm not gonna be homeless, and I'm not going to be your pornographer!"

Matsuda suddenly punched Issei in the face. "Wrong answer, buddy."

Matsuda then knocked Issei out.


Koneko watched from around a corner as she saw Matsuda and Motahama drag Issei away.

So, one of the perverts isn't as bad as the others...

Koneko shrugged, she didn't have time to think about this, she needed to get to soccer practice.
As she rounded the corner to the locker rooms, she saw two boys leave the hallway, and shrugged.

"It's probably nothing," she said to herself, and walked into the locker rooms to get changed. She entered and greeted the other girls and she set down her duffel bag and started to change, but only got halfway into her uniform when she heard a shriek.

She turned around and saw a bloodied Issei Hyoudou on the ground, looking as though he had been beaten near to death. She immediately threw on a jacket and ran over to him, flipping him onto his back. She placed her ear by his mouth, listening for breathing.

"Is he dead?" One girl asked.
"What happened to him?" Another girl questioned.

As bad as the perverted trio was, most of the girls knew that Issei was the most harmless. He wasn't like Matsuda and Motahama, who had tried to corner girls in the bathroom. He even got flustered at dirty jokes that they told. He was more of a closet perv, at least to the girls, so they weren't inclined to believe he was here of his own accord.

"He's breathing," Koneko called out to them. "But barely. Someone get the coach, and somebody else grab a water bottle."

Two girls went looking for those requests, while another girl, Aika, leaned over Koneko.

"What happened to Issei?" she asked, all traces of humor gone from her voice.

Koneko shook her head. "I heard Matsuda and Motahama tell him to do something earlier, and he told them no. I guess they beat him up and put him he-"

A sudden realization hit Koneko. "I could've stopped them. If I had, this wouldn't have happened to him."
Koneko teared up slightly as Aika gently rubbed her back.

"It's okay," she reassured Koneko. "He's gonna be fine."

"He better!" said another girl from behind them. "He's one of the only boys here who isn't absolutely repugnant!"

Koneko sighed as the girl who went to get the water bottle came back and gave it to her. Koneko slowly dropped water into Issei's mouth, trying to wake him up.

The coach walked in, and nearly threw up at the sight. "What the hell happened here?" he yelled.

A couple of the girls began to explain to the coach as Issei began to stir.

"Wha," he coughed, then continued," what's going on? Where am I?"

"You're in the girl's locker room." Koneko said in a monotone voice.

Issei grimaced. "I guess they didn't like me turning them down, huh?"

"How bad is the pain," Koneko asked with a slight smile at his humor.

"Well," Issei continued quietly. "I feel like someone just shoved a spear through my chest, my head feels like it has an axe splitting it open, and I can't open my eyes."

Koneko frowned. "They sure did a number on you."

The coach finally noticed Koneko talking to Issei. "Is he awake?"

"Yeah," Koneko called. "But he's in a lot of pain. Apparently, Matsuda and Motahama did this to him."

The coach growled lowly. "I hate people like them. Alright, help me get him outstide. Put him on a stretcher and put a blanket over him, I'll call the nurse to meet us down there.

Issei tried to sit up, but gasped in pain and fell back down. Koneko and the coach immediately directed their attention back to him.

"I'm sorry this happened to you, kid," the coach said to him.

Issei quietly replied, " I'm sorry to ruin your girls' pregame spirit."

Koneko chuckled. "Alright, ya talking corpse, be quiet."

"Yes ma'am." Issei smiled back.

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