One hell of a wake up call

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IB's pov

I woke up to a horrific smell,
"Where?" I said opening my eye to the dark. It was like I was blind, for a second I thought I was, tell I heard the un forgettable laugh, "Marry!?" I squeaked as the lights flickered on reviling the gory seen, filled with walls splattered with blood that dripped from an unknown source making it hard to see the blue walls, the blood led my eyes to the floor were a collection of demonic stitched up dolls laid laughing insync with the voice of Marry's laughter that spelled out revenge. I look for a door out, but as I turned my head to see a familiar sight in a golden frame picture. Garry sat in the painting unconscious, throned vines wrapped around him with growing roses....growing blue roses, he laid there lifeless as the laughter got louder and the room went darker.

Garry's pov.

I woke up from the light shining in my face. it was 9:00 AM and I was laying the the guest room of Ib's house. I was able to hear the quit voices of her mom and dad from the kitchen. "time for break fast." I mumbled. I brushed my hair and walked out to the kitchen still wearing my tan pants, with a purple shirt I was given for the night.

"Oh look who's awake, just in time too, I was just about to make pancakes." Ib's mother, Magen said with a smile, I guess the polite thing to do was to smile back. "How did you sleep honey?"

"Mmm...fantastic, I sure haven't slept like that in awhile." I smiled scratching the back of my head, only because I felt lonely, I'm so used to having Ib by my side....I guess there are some things I miss, from that terrible place.

"I bet so." Ib's father grumbled with the newspaper in hand
"Your probably use to banging my daughter every night..." he mumbled to himself, I was shock,

"Excuse me sir! But I assure you I would never do such a think, I only care for her safety and happiness, I won't be able to bring my self to doing such thinks to her, she is to precious, she's still a little girl to me, like she's my little sister." I said remembering all we have been through

"Shut your trap!" He said slamming he's fist one the table.

"Honey!" Magen explained

"You too Magen! I don't care what this kids case is! Thinking at we will believe this god forsaken story! Sounds like an excuse a kid would us for running away! Oh wait he did!! And he took my daughter with him." He yelled, reminding me of my forgotten past

"I can assure you I didn't run away....."I mumbled

"Really then why aren't you at your house! If you didn't run away then you would be there to assure them that your alright, you know 9 years is a long time!" I'm surprised he didn't wake up Ib with his yelling....

"........excuse me.... but...their dead........they all are dead." I said clenching my fist. At first he looked surprise but the mumbled more rotten words

"....Go join them in the grave." he mumbled siting back down. That comment hit me like a spear to the heart

"Garry....don't listen to him, he's been like that sense we lost Ib." Magen sighed. but then the Silence Was broken, by a ear piercing scream... me and Ib's father eyes widen. with out thinking I was out of there running towards her room. I burst through the door to see her lying in bed, breathing heavily, her eyes where locked to the ceil, as she started to cry.

"Ib....." I whispered under my breath....she didn't seem to respond, I walked up to her, "Ib?" I said sitting next to her

"Garry....she....she...m-Mary......"she sat up and held on to my arm,resting her head on my shoulder."she...she...isn'" She grip started to tighten

" was just a dream.....nothings going to hurt you.." I cooed wrapping my arms around her, I felt my heart beat fast in this small embrace, but yet I felt sorrow, the feeling a loneliness, it was something I longed for, I pull her away for a bit and look at the teary eyed Ib, placing my forehead to hers, "what ever happens....your not alone." I whispered wiping her tears away from her eyes "you know Ib, your so.....beautiful...with out the tears..." I whispered bring my self closers........

Only if the sound of foot steps didn't make the distance farther.

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