Justice for »»ᅳchrolloᅳ►

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When I woke up i was in a room it looked nice but I knew that the Phantom Troupe trapped me here so it was no time to do anything right now other to escape. Then i saw a note under the door.


side note: Since your nen is disabled for a little while, you must follow chrollo's orders in order to survive

1. Dont use nen in here

2. you cant attack any of the troupe members

3. your only allowed out in open when your needed to, or if one of the troupe members call you.

4. There are atleast ten cameras in here so don't even try on escaping

5. have fun 


I sigh in disappointment there is nothing to do in here so just decided to go to sleep.

█▓▒▒░░░next morning░░░▒▒▓█

I was soon awaken by one of the troupe members and they called me down for breakfast which is kind of weird since normal people when the kidnap don't do these type of stuff. but i just shrugged it off.

at breakfast we had Natto (im so sorry English wasn't my first language i actually was used to speak Japanese ;w;) witch was actually pretty good i even asked for seconds but why were there being so nice to me I killed one of there troupe members. and after that i had to go back to my room which was starting to get boring. then i heard talking not sure where.


"i mean he is string enough we can invite him to the phantom troupe."

"i mean yeah but he hasn't been talking to us recently,so we dont know much about him."

"if we can we can hurt him to get info from him."

"he would be pretty useful, but we are not going to hurt him."

" yeah but his nen is disabled for a little 10 months we can use this to our advantage."

" yeah maybe the boss  right there can go talk to him? he'll maybe know what to do."


" WHAT?" i shouted accidentally. i needed to find a way to get out of here even if i get hurt maybe i could no it wont work unless i tried but maybe i can get info buy seducing him. or maybe i can steal someones phone to get in contact to where i am but i don't even know where i am right now. they keep moving places well i guess thats the only choice i have in mind right now.

troololoolol cliffhanger.

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