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Not everything turns out the way you expect it to. Life has a funny way of presenting itself. A little while ago, I was this angry little person. I kept thinking, "Why is this happening to me?" Then it came to me, it kept happening because it was suppose to show me something. Life was showing me repeatedly where I was not destined to be. I kept getting hurt, but eventually I had to be honest with myself. If I wanted to see a change, I had to be that change that I spoke of. It begins with me. I realized that other people are just living the same way you are. Something important that I learned is, it is either you are on the same page or you are not. Forcing things and becoming something you are not is probably the most painful thing emotionally. I remembered being vibrant and so full of life. I wanted to come out on top and be happy. So I had to let go. I had to let go of the way I thought I saw things going. I had to stop making excuses and start living. If I did not just start living, I am not sure where I would have ended up. Instead of not getting what I want now, it may have never came. I was not only making sure of that, I was solidifying that darkness. All my life I had to make choices and grow from them. Sure I am young. So I know it is not the end of the world, but it does suck when things keep happening and you just are not sure why. I can hold onto this one hope. Everything that I am going through now will be worth something. It will be worth something priceless, I just know it. That is what has been keeping me going this whole time. I am strong. I am courageous. I am worthy. And above all else, I am me. It does not matter if the whole world turns upside down. I am still here and I have to make the best of it! Getting the short end of the stick is not always bad, it makes you appreciate throwing that stick to the ground. Then walking over it and leaving it behind you. Everyone got a piece of the same stick and I think people forget that. It does not define the situation. All I can do now is hope that I am making the right decisions. Just hope...

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