We got history.

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friends with benefits always ends up as more than friends. it never works. You knew from experience with aubrey. You both had met a party during the beginning of his career due to you knowing chubbs prior. One night turned into many more nights whenever he would come back to toronto and as more money came in the more flights you were catching to see him. Sometimes you would even spend weeks on tour with him because you guys were "friends" and close ones at that. The sex wasn't the sex where you just throw off your clothes and leave. You guys would always lay there and talk about every and anything , smoke a blunt together, order some food, and even listen to some of his songs he had in the vault for his new albums. Feelings began to develop between you two, but the thing about aubrey is, is that when he wants something he doesn't care what he has to do to get it. You on the other hand were scared. Scared to be in love with someone as big of status as he was, scared to be cheated on , scared to even be feeling what you were towards him. Aubrey did what he could to assure you and keep you around but you didn't let yourself fall hard enough to believe him. This lead you to block him on everything and out of your life.

You saw when he announced to the world how he'd been in love with rihanna for years, you saw him move on to other women, and it put a knife in your heart but you couldn't be mad at him. You were the one that pushed him away. You moved on too , well at least tried but nobody compared to the connection you felt with him but you couldn't go back now and you wouldn't let yourself.


Today was a big day for you considering you were headlining the biggest fashion show for paris fashion week. this was a make or break for your career and needless to say you were nervous. One small slip up and everything you worked so hard for could be gone in a moment. 

while sitting getting your make up and hair done a women brings flowers to your table "Here y/n someone sent you these." a smile comes on your face wondering who could it be. Maybe your mom or best friend but when you open the card attached and see who's name is on it your heart sinks. "Good luck on your show tonight i'm so proud of you. Love aubrey." why out of all the nights he could've done this tonight had to be the night.

Your friend turned to you and said "you know that man is front row and center for the show tonight right?" This made you even more nervous. "Wow thanks so much for helping me feel better" "Im sorry love I just want you to be prepared." You sat there trying to pull yourself together mentally and physically knowing that not only were the cameras around but this was a big night for you and you were not gonna let anyone change that.

As you sat and finished your makeup and did little interviews your nerves started to subside a little bit. Finally it was show time. They lined everyone up and off you went. You tried your best to push the fact that aubrey was watching you to the back of your mind and strutted your shit. Going backstage you had an adrenaline rush. Everyone congratulated you and before the show was over the designer himself invited you and another model to walk along side him for the closing which is a huge deal. You were more than honored. As you walked out you saw aubrey smiling and clapping looking right a you. There go those butterflies again.


The music was pumping, you and your girls had the blunt passing and the bottles flowing celebrating not only a great show but you being the headliner. Out of no where your friend taps on you and says "Look who's walking this way bitch" as you turn you see aubrey walking right towards you. Having a little liquor in your system and being high gave you the confidence booster you needed to walk towards him too. "Congratulations love" aubrey says as he embraces you in a huge hug. You didn't realize how much you missed his smell and him. "thanks, oh and thank you for the flowers." "Yeah of course tonight is a big deal." "You never ever come to any of this fashion shit aubrey. I've done a lot of shows for years and never seen you at one so why now?"  "because this was a big moment for you and i didn't wanna miss it. what's wrong with that?" you just had to laugh at the fact he really said that. "Aubrey we haven't talked in years! and now on my big day you wanna send me flowers right before my show, sit front row center, like for what?" without a second thought you grabbed his hand and followed him.

He had his car pull up and you both got in. Not really caring where the car went because you felt safe no matter what with him. "So explain yourself." " I know it's weird seeing me show up and maybe even an inconvenience to have showed up. But i miss you. Even after all this time my thoughts always go back to you and how we could've been by now. I realized I looked for parts of you in every other women and when they couldn't deliever i was left disappointed. We grew up together. I wanna keep growing together. even if it's just as friends for now. I wanted to show up to show this shit is for real.

Maybe it was the fact you were fucked up, the adrenaline, or the fact you missed him more than you realized but before you knew it you were on his lap making out with him feeling his hands on your ass. Damn you didn't realize how much you missed this with him. "Yo take me to the hotel." The rest of the car ride you guys couldn't keep your hands off of each other.


*Im going to end it here but I wouldn't mind making a part 2 let me know how you guys feel!!*

requests are open loves 💕

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2020 ⏰

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