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Name: Izuku(past)
Hero name: Deku
Power: One for all
Age: 15
You get the point no need to explain

Forgotten name: Izuku(future)
Hero name: Abyss Comic
Power: Abyss, EVO Cell!, and AfterAbyss
Age: 17 and a half
Appearance: Deku but taller, his Hair is same as deku(past),but it looks like when you go down it starts to get more duel. Deku also has an eyepatch and a larg slash mark on his cheats just like geno. this deku has abyss's Jacket and the rest of abyss's clothing but with Geno's scarf , also sometimes you can see the book of bnha AU in has pockets (Sometimes)
From now on I will start calling past Deku, Deku.P and future Deku, Deku.F ( yes very creative I know.)

(This is my first story I have made so don't expected any really good writing, and plz just tell me if I should stop or if I should keep going)



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