He Yells At You and You Get Scared Of Him Part 1

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Luke: (6) you were drawing in your room while your brother and Ashton were downstairs playing FIFA. You eventually ran out of paper and decided to go look for more. You couldn't find any in your room so you looked in Luke's. You found a stack but didn't realize that stack had the lyrics to a song Luke was working on. Not knowing any better, you walked back into your room and continued drawing.

Half an hour later, Luke stopped playing and announced he had worked on a new song and wanted Ash's opinion, then went upstairs to go get the lyrics. However, he couldn't find the sheets. He walked into your room, "y/n, have you seen my lyrics sheet?" He asked. You shook your head no. Luke glanced down at the paper you were drawing on. "Where'd you get that paper?" He asked, pointing to the sheets. "Your room." You replied nonchalantly. Luke then quickly walked over and snatched the paper out of your hands, looking at them with wide eyes when he saw your doodles all over his lyrics. He turned to you and you flinched when you saw how angry he looked.

"Y/n y/m/n Hemmings, these were the lyrics to the next song I was working on and you drew all over them!" He yelled. You backed away, terrified of your brother's anger. "I didn't mean to, Luke, I'm sorry." Luke scoffed, "Oh, you're sorry?! Do you think apologizing is going to fix my lyrics?!" As Luke yelled, he advanced towards you until you were backed against your wall, crying from fear.

Ashton walked in. "Everything alright? I heard yelling." Luke turned his attention towards Ashton. "No, everything is NOT alright! Y/n drew all over the lyrics I was working on!" He shoved the papers in Ash's face. Ashton looked at the ruined paper then back at Luke. "I'm sure Y/n didn't mean to, Luke. It was probably an accident." He reasoned. "It was." You replied quietly, slowly walking out of your corner. "I DON'T CARE IF IT WAS AN ACCIDENT! THAT LITTLE BRAT SHOULD KNOW BETTER THAN TO TAKE MY SHIT WITHOUT ASKING!" Luke yelled while pointing at you. Your breath hitched. Your older brother had never called you a bad name before, and it hurt.

"Luke!" Ashton yelled in disbelief. Luke then looked at you and when he saw you crying, his face softened into regret. "Y/n, I-" but you ran to Ash, who picked you up and held you. Luke tried to reach out for you but you hid your face in Ashton's neck, crying harder. "Let me take care of y/n, Luke. You've done enough." Said Ashton in disgust, then walked away with you in his arms while Luke stood in your room, head down in shame.

Calum: (9) you had gotten the flu during school and ran to the bathroom, throwing up, during math time. Your school nurse phoned your parents to come pick you up, then Mali, but neither could make it, which left your older brother, Calum, who was busy in the recording studio, so when he got a call saying he needed to pick up his little sister from school during a meeting, he was not happy to say the least.

You waited in the office with a trash bin in your hands, just in case. When you saw Calum arrive, you smiled in relief, but frowned when you saw how unhappy he looked. He grabbed your hand and dragged you out to his car. During the drive home, you noticed Calum was gripping the steering wheel, his face hard, and didn't say anything. You decided to break the awkward silence. "Hi, Calum." You said shyly. He didn't reply back. "Is something wrong? You've been quiet this whole time." You asked. "No, y/n, I'm just concentrating on driving." He replied through gritted teeth. You shrunk back in your seat. Neither of you said anything during the rest of the ride.

When you got home, you went to your room to lay down, hoping a nap would ease the pain in your stomach. Calum came in, "What do you think you're doing?" He asked. "Trying to take a nap?" You replied, although it sounded more like a question. Calum shook his head. "No, absolutely not. You're gonna do your chores while I'm gone." You stared at him in disbelief. "What? Why?" "Because that's your punishment." Replied Calum bitterly. "Punishment? What did I do wrong?" You asked, genuinely confused. "What did you do wrong? Your school called me to come pick you up while I was in a meeting!" Yelled Calum, his sudden anger startling you. "I got sick, Calum!" You cried in defense. "Did you really? Or did you pretend to act sick?!" He accused. Your jaw dropped. "I was throwing up, Calum! How could I 'pretend to act sick'?" You questioned. Calum opened his mouth to say something but closed his mouth and, instead, shook his head. "Whatever. You're still in trouble and when I come back, I want this house cleaned. Got it?" You nodded your head, tears stinging your eyes as Calum walked out of your room and left the house. As soon as he was gone, you fell to the floor sobbing.

After your crying session, you got up and went to work on your chores despite your stomach ache, afraid Calum would be angrier if you didn't do what he told you to do.

Ashton: (4) you were watching Frozen when Ashton walked into your house, slamming the door angrily. He had gotten into a heated argument with his manager and was still seething. "That fucking asshole." He growled through his teeth. You looked at him, gasped and shook your finger. "Hey, don't swear!" You scolded, quoting your older brother whenever his bandmates swore. Ashton rolled his eyes, "Oh, shut up, y/n." He groaned. Not wanting to anger him more, you turned your attention back to your movie.

You were singing along to "Let It Go" when Ashton spoke up from the kitchen, "Y/n, turn the volume down!" You looked for the remote but couldn't find it. You only looked for five seconds, but that was too long for Ashton. Stomping into the living room and towering over your smaller body, he glared down at you. "DID YOU NOT HEAR WHAT I SAID?! TURN DOWN THE VOLUME!" He yelled. You shrinked back. "I can't find the remote." You replied, staring up at your brother with wide eyes. Throwing his hands up in annoyance, Ashton walked toward the tv and pushed the power button. "Hey, I watching th-" you didn't get the chance to finish before Ashton grabbed your wrist and led you to the timeout corner. Forcefully sitting you down, he glared at you. "Move from this spot and you'll be in bigger trouble. You're in timeout for being fresh." Then he walked up to his room, leaving you sobbing in your chair and wondering what you did wrong.

Michael: (12) you were sleeping peacefully until you heard thunder. You had always been scared of storms and whenever there was one, you always went to your older brother for comfort.

As the thunder boomed, you ran to Michael's room and knocked frantically on his door. The door opened and Michael walked out, looking annoyed. He had a long day from work and was exhausted. "What do you want, y/n?" He asked irritably, rubbing his eyes. The thunder boomed again you jumped, squealing with fear. "T-the th-th-thunder." You replied, shivering. Michael threw back his head and groaned. "Seriously, y/n? You're twelve years old now. Get over your stupid fear." He tried closing the door but you blocked it with your hand. "But, Michael, you'd always comfort me whenever there's a storm." You said in a hurt and confused tone. "When you were little, yeah, but now you're too old to be scared of thunderstorms! Grow up, y/n, and stop acting like a baby!" With that, he slammed the door in your face and left you standing there in shock.

Another clap of thunder snapped you out of your trance and you ran back into your room, jumping on your bed and huddling underneath the blankets, trying to block out the sounds by covering your ears, but the noise was too loud. You eventually cried yourself to sleep.

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